Orange County NC Website
14 <br />review various programs for positive innovations in place <br />elsewhere to determine applicability here. <br />Facility issues with the North and South service divisions <br />practiced in Orange County present barriers to efficiencies and <br />add to local costs not covered by either federal or state <br />reimbursements hidden in the county's fixed costs. Automation <br />and contracted functions could overcome some of those <br />elements of service delivery. <br />There is a staff transportation issue between the two major <br />points of service delivery (north and south). Many employees <br />use their own vehicles. There is lost client service time spent by <br />county staff traveling between locations. <br />.A.G~NG <br />Aging includes expanded, comprehensive transportation <br />programs servicing several classifications of clients. In and of <br />itself, transportation services need a comprehensive analysis and <br />approach to service delivery. I have no specific recommendation <br />except that fleet maintenance is now provided via the county <br />garage and issues associated with fleet management practices <br />should be reviewed. (Specific observations are reserved.) <br />There are significant opportunities for better infra-departmental <br />cooperation among Aging, DSS and Health as well as other <br />departments within county government. There are "silos" that <br />need to be lessened if services are to be cost effectively <br />delivered to the public. <br />There are opportunities for senior `volunteers' to fill many <br />clerical support positions at numerous county locations. <br />An item of disconnect mentioned here but discussed elsewhere <br />is the lack of contact during construction projects between <br />10 <br />