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PLANNING BOARD REVIEW: The Planning Board reviewed this item at its June 3, 2009 <br />regular meeting. <br />There was extensive discussion on the need to begin reviewing each individual Node and begin <br />the Small Area Plan process to identify acceptable non - residential land uses for each. Some <br />Board members expressed concern over the proposed amendment without first initiating the <br />Small Area Plan process. In the end, the Board determined that the proposed amendment was <br />essential to address a long standing problem within the Rural Community Activity Nodes, most <br />notably the White Cross Node, and voted unanimously to recommend approval of the <br />proposed amendment. <br />STAFF COMMENT: In addressing the various comments made by the BOCC and Planning <br />Board, staff would like to offer the following: <br />1. Staff agrees with both Boards that a comprehensive study needs to be initiated to identify <br />the acceptable non - residential land uses permitted within the Nodes but believes that this <br />amendment is essential to address an existing conflict within the Ordinance. <br />2. Staff understands the concern over potentially allowing additional non - residential <br />development, through the Planned Development process, above and beyond any <br />established limit within the Nodes. It is out opinion, however, that the proposed provision <br />will not result in a dramatic increase in non - residential development within the Nodes and <br />that the existing review process will allow for sufficient public involvement and comment <br />to address any and all local concerns that might arise. <br />3. Staff is uncomfortable with exempting septic and repair area from any established <br />acreage limitation give the fact that this land area is a crucial component in determining a <br />given non - residential development projects sustainability. In staffs mind there is no <br />difference between the area of property encumbered by the septic system and the <br />parking lot that is necessary to support a proposed non - residential land use. <br />4. This amendment will only increase the existing non - residential acreage limitation within <br />Rural Community Activity Nodes from five (5) acres of Local Commercial One (LC -1) and <br />Neighborhood Commercial Two (2) to ten (10) acres for each district. This amendment <br />will not allow for non - residential development to occur within any protected or critical <br />watershed overlay district where such development is currently prohibited. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: This request has been reviewed by various County departments who <br />have determined the approval of the request will not create the need for additional funding for <br />the provision of County services. <br />ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: The Administration recommends the BOCC take <br />the following actions: <br />1. Receive the Planning Board recommendation, <br />2. If necessary, deliberate further on the proposed amendment, <br />3. Close the public hearing, and <br />4. Adopt the Ordinance amendment as detailed within Attachment One (1). <br />