Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING <br />THE ORANGE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE <br />WHEREAS, there has been heightened scrutiny over existing limitations imposed <br />on the cumulative level of non - residential development permitted within Rural <br />Community Activity Nodes, and <br />WHEREAS, the current language within the Zoning Ordinance is ambiguous and <br />had resulted in multiple interpretations as to the acceptable levels of non - residential <br />development within the Rural Community Activity Nodes, and <br />WHEREAS, the proposed amendment establishes a definable limit on the <br />amount of non - residential development within the various Rural Community Activity <br />Nodes that removes any potential ambiguity for local residents and staff. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF ORANGE <br />COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, hereby amends the Orange County Zoning Ordinance <br />by adding (indicated by double underlined language) and deleting (indicated by stricken <br />through language) as follows: <br />PART I: That Section 4.2.8 (b) (4) be amended as follows: <br />4. N 11 the nt of land zened T G 1 at any ede <br />The maximum amount of land zoned LC -1 <br />within Rural Community Activity Nodes shall be limited to ten (10) <br />acres with a five (5) acre limitation imposed within other Nodes, <br />sipecifically Rural Neighborhood and Rural Industrial Nodes, as <br />defined within the Orange County Comprehensive Plan. Additional <br />rezoning may be possible through the submittal, processing, and <br />approval of a Planned Development in accordance with the <br />provisions of Article Seven (77) of the Ordinance in situations where a <br />Node has reached capacity. - Acreage limitations shall not apply to <br />property zoned Existing Commercial-V (EC -5) or planned <br />developments. <br />