ORD-2009-030 - Zoning Ord-Level of Non Residential Zoned Area Permitted Comm Activity Nodes
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2000-2009
ORD-2009-030 - Zoning Ord-Level of Non Residential Zoned Area Permitted Comm Activity Nodes
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Last modified
4/29/2013 10:27:37 AM
Creation date
9/4/2009 4:47:31 PM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 08-18-2009 - 5b
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Excerpt of Draft Minutes (D <br />1 •The Zoning Ordinance, specifically Section 4.2.8 and 4.2.9, establish limits on the total amount <br />2 of non - residential zoning permitted within a Node, <br />3 •The Ordinance would allow up to a total of nine (9) acres but only in instances where existing <br />4 density within a given Node is similar to existing Transition Areas, <br />5 *If density within the Nodes is not similar to existing Transition Areas, non - residential zoning is <br />6 limited to five (5) acres, <br />7 *The review of a recent rezoning petition during the November 2008 Quarterly Public Hearing <br />8 brought these limitations under greater scrutiny, <br />9 *Staff believes there is an opportunity to allow for the Nodes to be developed as originally <br />10 intended by the County and provide greater opportunity for the County Commissioners to be <br />11 more involved with the development process <br />12 <br />13 Example Node Boundaries: <br />14 PROPOSAL: <br />15 *Amend Section(s) 4.2.8 (b) (4) and 4.2.9 (b) (4) to increase the maximum allowable non - <br />16 residential development within Rural Community Activity Nodes to ten (10) acres, <br />17 *Limit non - residential development within other Nodes to five (5) acres (i.e. Five (5) acres of LC- <br />18 1 and NC -2 zoning), and <br />19 *Include a provision allowing the possibility of additional non - residential development with the <br />20 submission, review, and approval of a Planned Development (PD) application <br />21 <br />22 RATIONALE: <br />23 *The Rural Community Activity Nodes were intended to allow for higher intensity non - residential <br />24 development to eliminate the need for residents to commute to urbanizing areas. By increasing <br />25 the cumulative amount of allowable non - residential zoning we accomplish this goal, <br />26 *The remaining Nodes can still be developed at what staff has determined acceptable levels of <br />27 intensity given their purpose as defined within the Comprehensive Plan <br />28 •By adding new language relating to the possible allowance of additional non - residential zoning <br />29 through the review of a Planned Development project, the County has the opportunity to <br />30 address changing needs within the Nodes without having to continuously amend the Zoning <br />31 Ordinance <br />32 <br />33 Staff Recommendations: <br />34 *Receive the staff initiated zoning text amendment proposal including staffs report and <br />35 presentation materials, <br />36 •Conduct the Public Hearing and accept comments from all interested parties, <br />37 •Refer the matter to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned to the County <br />38 Board of Commissioners in time for the August 18, 2009 BOCC meeting, <br />39 •Adjourn the Public Hearing until August 18, 2009 in order to receive the Planning Board's <br />40 recommendation. <br />41 <br />42 <br />43 Mark Marcoplos said that the Rural Neighborhood Node, which is close to where he <br />44 lives, has a convenience store, a nursery, a horse feed /general hardware store, and other <br />45 businesses, including a junk yard. He said that there is more activity in the rural neighborhood <br />46 than in the Rural Community Activity Node. He said that the transfer station is supposed to go <br />
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