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2. In areas between official cross sections the Special Flood Hazard Overlay <br />District shall be determined by scaling the distances on Flood Insurance <br />Study maps; <br />3. The regulatory flood protection elevation must in all cases be the <br />controlling factor in locating the outer limits of the Special Flood Hazard <br />Area Overlay District; and <br />PART V. That Article 4 Establishment of Permitted Use Table and Schedule Section 4.1 <br />Establishment of Use Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance be amended by revising <br />the existing numbering scheme and adding a new number thirteen (13) to read as <br />follows: <br />12, Borrow pits (including reclamation by land filling) associated within a State or Federal <br />highway project (See Article 6.16.16). <br />13. Uses requiring special permits must meet certain conditions specified in this ordinance. <br />Only after the existence of these specified conditions has been determined by the Board <br />of Adjustment, or the Board of Commissioners, as appropriate, will a special permit be <br />issued; otherwise such uses are prohibited uses. <br />14. Regulations governing the use of land and structures within a Planned Development <br />district are as established in Article 7. <br />15. Within all districts, subdivisions.... <br />16. All uses, as detailed within this Section and the Ordinance in its entirety shall comply <br />with the various standards and development limitations as outlined within the Special <br />Flood Hazard Area Overlay District. <br />PART VI. That Article 4 Establishment of Permitted Use Table and Schedule by creating a new <br />Section 4.2.34 entitled Special Flood Hazard Area Overlay District (SFHA) to read as <br />follows: <br />Sec. 4.2.34 Statement of purpose. <br />It is the impose of this Ordinance to promote public health safety, and general welfare <br />and to minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions within flood rp one <br />areas by provisions designed to. <br />a. Restrict or prohibit uses, which are dangerous to health safety, and property due to <br />water or erosion hazards, or which result in damaging increases in erosion flood <br />heights or velocities; <br />b. Require that uses vulnerable to floods including facilities which serve such uses be <br />protected against flood damage at the time of initial construction-, <br />c. Control the alteration of natural floodplains stream channels and natural protective <br />barriers, which are involved in the accommodation of flood waters• <br />