Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING REVISED WATER CONSERVATION STANDARDS AND <br />REQUESTING THE CARR1aOR0 BOARD OF ALDERMEN, CHAPEL HILL TOWN <br />COUNCIL, AND ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO REVISE <br />THEIR CONSERVATION ORDINANCES TO INCORPORATE SAID STANDARDS. <br />WHEREAS, OWASA has established V4`ater Conservation Standards that are applicable <br />to the use of water by OWASA customers throughout the year and during declared droughts and <br />other waxer shortage conditions; and <br />WHEREAS, the Carrboro Board of Aldermen, Chapel Hill To«~n Council, and Orange <br />County Board of Conunissioners have adopted local waxer conservation ordinances that are <br />consistent with OWA.SA's Water Conservation Standards; and <br />WHEREAS, fallowing the exceptional draught of 2007--2008, and after receiving and <br />considering comments from the public and local governments, OWASA has developed proposed <br />revisions to the Water Conservation Standards; and <br />WHEREAS, there has been strong public support for the proposed revisions to <br />OVa'ASA's Water Conservation Standards: <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED TIiAT THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS <br />OF ORANGE WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY: <br />1. Approves revised Water Conservation Standards dated March 26, 2009_ a copy of <br />which is attached io this Resolution. <br />2. Respectfully requests that the Carrboro Board of Aldermen, Chapel Hill Totem <br />Council, and Orange County Board of Commissioners amend their respective local v~~ater <br />conservation ordinances to incorporate the revised Water Conservation Standards. <br />3. Declares that the revised Water Conservation Standards wilt become effective an the <br />date on which the last local governing board approves its revised water conservation ordinance <br />incorporating said Standards: <br />Adopted this the 26th day of March 2409 <br />G on M rklein, Vice Chair <br />Secretary <br />