ORD-2009-028- Water Conservation Standards Orange Co Water Ord Affecting OWASA Service Area
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2000-2009
ORD-2009-028- Water Conservation Standards Orange Co Water Ord Affecting OWASA Service Area
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Last modified
5/9/2011 10:26:32 AM
Creation date
9/4/2009 4:05:07 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20090505
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zo <br />OI~ASA's .Revised OI~ASA's Dater Conservation Standards <br />March 26, 2009 <br />Page 3 <br />5. Ornamental ponds, fountains, etc. may be filled, refilled, or topped off with OWASA <br />supplied potable water during Stage 1, but not during Stages 2, 3, or Emergency Shortages. <br />(Under the previous Standazds, they could not be refilled during any stage of a declared <br />shortage.). Birdbaths and backyard-scale facilities used to support wildlife may be filled <br />and re-filled in Stages 1, 2 and' 3, but not during an Emergency. <br />6. Washing building exteriors prior to paintings is allowed during Stages l and 2, but not during <br />Stage 3 or Emergency Shortages. The more general cleaning of building exteriors (not <br />associated with painting) and the washing of paved areas, etc. is allowed only during Stage <br />1. (Under the previous Standazds, water could not be used for routine cleaning or washing <br />during any stage, but Stage 2 allowed pressure cleaning of building exteriors necessary to <br />protect integrity of the structure. Pressure cleaning was not allowed in Stage 3 or <br />Emergency.) <br />7. Swimm'u~ig pools are allowed to be filled, refilled, or topped off at any time except during a <br />Water Supply Emergency (regardless of whether they are public or private pools). (Under <br />the prior Standards, in Stage 2, water could not be used to fill or refill empty pools, but <br />could be used. to top off operating pools. Topping off pools was not allowed in Stage 3 or <br />Emergency.) <br />8. New water lines may be flushed or pressure-tested at any time except during a Water Supply <br />Emergency, when flushing or pressure testing is allowed only if the water is captured and <br />returned to OWASA's system. (The prior Standards prohibited the use of water for pressure <br />testing and flushing in Stage 3 unless water is captured and returned.) <br />9. Provisions to encourage conservation measures have been moved from sections of the <br />Standards in which actual restrictions are listed to a new section under "Year-Round Policy <br />and Practice." <br />
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