ORD-2009-028- Water Conservation Standards Orange Co Water Ord Affecting OWASA Service Area
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2000-2009
ORD-2009-028- Water Conservation Standards Orange Co Water Ord Affecting OWASA Service Area
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Last modified
5/9/2011 10:26:32 AM
Creation date
9/4/2009 4:05:07 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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18 <br />OWASA' S REVISED WATER CONSERVATION STANDARDS <br />March 26, 2009 <br />B$_ <br />On March 26, 2009 the OWASA Board of Directors approved revisions to OWASA's Water <br />Conservation Standards which apply to water use by all OWASA customers. The Standards <br />were originally developed in 2003 and subsequently incorporated into the local water <br />conservation ordinances of. Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and Orange County. The revised Standards, <br />which reflect the "lessons learned" from the drought of 2007-2008, will go into effect as soon as <br />the three local governing boards approve revised waxer conservation ordinances that incorporate <br />the new Standards. <br />This document provides an overview of (1) the general principles that have guided OWASA's <br />efforts to revise the Standards and (2) key changes to the Standards. <br />The revised Standards were developed with input from local governments, businesses, and <br />OWASA customers during and following the 2007-2008 drought. OWASA distributed proposed <br />Standards revisions for public review and comment and hosted a community meeting on <br />September 24, 2008 that had been publicized through new releases, paid newspaper advertising, <br />and a-mail messages to more than ] ,000 recipients. On February .25 and March l 0, 2009, the <br />OWASA Board met with local elected officials to present and discuss the proposed revisions. <br />Based on the positive feedback received from the public and local elected officials, the OWASA <br />Board has approved the revised Standards and formally requested that the Carrboro, Chapel Hill, <br />and Orange County governing boards revise their respective local water conservation ordinances <br />to incorporate the new Standards. <br />Gaidin~ Principles <br />In developing the revised Standards, OWASA was guided by the following principles and <br />"Lessons learned" during the 2007-2008 drought: <br />The original set of Standards focused ,predominantly on outdoor water use, which <br />represents only about 7 percent of OWASA's total annual demand. By comparison, other <br />utilities estimate that outdoor use accounts for 20 percent of their total water use, which <br />reflects significant differences between OWASA's and their customer bases. <br />• Significant reductions in OWASA water demand persisted through the winter months of <br />late 2007 and early 2008 when little or no outdoor use was taking place, indicating that <br />substantial indoor reductions had occurred and were being sustained in the absence of <br />any indoor regulatory requirements. These behavioral changes were likely a response to <br />several factors, including OWASA's Stage 2 and 3 water rate surcharges; the <br />community's longstanding commitment to sustaining its drinking water resources; <br />OWASA's public information work; and extensive media coverage of the drought and <br />uncertain regional waxer supply conditions. <br />
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