Orange County NC Website
~: . <br />The Board of Commissioners for the County of Orar_ge, <br />North Carolina, met in regular session in the Courtroom pf the <br />Orange County Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina, the <br />regular place of meeting, at 7:30 p.m. on .7anuary 23, 1978. <br />Present: T. isSiOnP ~, Nr~r_map„ Cnstavacrfn, ..tan Pinnate <br />NormanWalker. Richarr3 whit+~ ana Donald Willhoit. <br />Absent: None <br />*****,r***~****x*•k**~********~~**********~**~**t******~****~x*,r***~ <br />The Chairman announced that this was the hour and day <br />fixed for the continuation of the Public Hearing begun on <br />December 5, 1.977 on the participating paving project in Section T <br />M <br />of Morgan Creek Hills Subdivision. The Chairman then called for <br />la report from the County Attorney. The County Attorney reported <br />that he had been advised by the County Manager that all questions <br />concerning the project raised by the Department of Transportation <br />had been resolved and that the Department of Transportatian was <br />proceeding with the project as approved in the Final Assessment <br />Resolution and as set forth in the Preliminary Assessment Role. <br />Thereupon, upon Motion of Commissioner Jan Pinney <br />seconded by Commissioner Norman Walker <br />and carried, the Preliminary Assessment Rale <br />for the financing by Orange County of a portion of the lpcal <br />share of the cost of paving Bayberry Drive, Azalea Drive, and <br />Azalea Place, roads located in Section 2 of Morgan Creek Hills <br />Subdivision, located in Chapel Hill Township, Orange County, <br />North Carolina, was confirmed in tato. <br />The vote upon confirmation of the Assessment made agains' <br />each property owner as set out in the Preliminary Assessment Role <br />was: <br />Ayes: Commissioners Norman Gustaveson, Jan P <br />lt:STO N. COLEMdN <br />C H_RNMOLZ <br />~~TOHNLV? AT LAW <br />CR~~tL MILL. N. C <br />~.LLbaOR000?I. Y. C. <br />Noes: None <br />Thereupon, the Chairman directed the Clerk of the Board <br />