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L~ '.) J <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconder? by Commissioner [calker, <br />it was moved and adopted to confirm the Preliminary Assessment Resolution. <br />The Clerk was asked to record the time of the confirmation as 7:45 p.m. <br />For copy of the Preliminary Assessment Resolution, see page 469 of <br />this book. <br />Chairman [Vhitted referred to the Resolution presented to the Board <br />asking that Orange County be declared a disaster area. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner [lillhoit, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved and adopted to approve the resolution and that <br />- it be forwarded to Governor Hunt and the Secretary of Natural Resources <br />and Community Development. <br />For copy of the Resolution Declaring Orange County a Disaster Area, <br />see page 475 of this book. <br />Item 3: Representatives of the Recreation Advisory Council will re- <br />view a proposed County Ordinance Establishing Orange County Recreation and <br />Parks Council. <br />Chairman [Vhitted recognized Robert Strayhorn, Chairman of the Orange <br />County Recreation Advisory Countil. A4r. Strayhorn introductec~. to the <br />Board other members of the Council and the Recreation Director, [Vayne <br />T.+les ton . <br />Mr. [deston stated that in developing the proposed ordinance, the goals <br />and objectives set out in the original charge to the Recreation Advisory <br />Council of December, 1975, had been taken into consirlerata.on. Mr. [+?eston <br />stated that in relation to the charge of a permanent recreation governing <br />body, three consideration were given: 1) Tc follow the Recreation and <br />Parks Commission based on the model ordinance of the Recreation Study <br />Commission's Report, 2) a continuation of the present Advisory Council with <br />modifications to its status, and 3) the utilization of other models which <br />would be mare appropriate to the unique situation of Orange County. <br />Mr. [Veston then asked the Board for Ruestiens regarding the Ordinance. <br />It was pointed out that in terms of a permanent governing body, the <br />Council felt the Advisory Council format was the best form in which to go. <br />Mr. Strayhorn stated that the Council felt this was what Orange County <br />needed. He added that the CaunCil would strictly be an advisory board. <br />Sections of the Ordinance which-the Board of Commissioners felt the <br />language should be "tightened up" were Section X%, where the reference to <br />the Board of Commissiener should be deleted. Section VSrI, Composition - <br />Commissioner [lillhcit stated that in this area, he felt the Advisory Board <br />needed mare representation at large and less from each township. <br />Commissioner ~ustaveson stated that he was not sure representation <br />from townships is the best unit to represent all of the County. He sug- <br />gested a formula be developed which would allow flexibility to look at gaps <br />in the Council and further wculd being the Council down to a more workable <br />body. <br />The County Finance Officer pointed out certain areas in the Orr~inance <br />which pertained to financing and he requested that these areas be clarified. <br />In Section II of the Ordinance, it was requested that a definition of parks <br />be added. <br />The consensus of the Board was to ask the County Attorney, the <br />Recreation Director, and the Finance Director to review the Ordinance and <br />to make clarifications where necessary. The Ordinance will then be pre- <br />--~ sented to the Board with a recommendation from the Recreation Advisory <br />Council. <br />ztem 4: Mr. Jae Massif, Architect for the renovation proposed at <br />the jail and Grady Brown School, will review his progress to date on these <br />projects. <br />The Chairman recognized Joe Massif, and N!r. Massif presented plans of <br />the Grady Brown building. One change which he pointed out was that the <br />Health Department would be located on the lower floor of the new wing of <br />