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L~. t~.y <br />Chief Liner asked the County Manager to speak of the communication <br />system as to when it will become operational. <br />Mr. Gattis stated the law enforcement package would change very <br />little, however, the medical package is quite complicated. It is expected <br />that the law enforcement package will begin operations in February, then <br />resources will be turned toward operating the medical package. He added <br />that the 911 communication system would be operational before the public <br />would actually be aware. This is to be sure the system is functional. <br />Mr. Gattis added that the medical package would require additional <br />training by rescue squad members and that the Motorola Company would pro- <br />vide personnel to .train individuals. <br />Chairman Whitted expressed the Board's appreciation to the P.escue <br />Squads for their service to the community and the meeting~taas adjourned. <br />~- <br />Richard Whitted, Chairman <br />Agatha Johnson, Clerk <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />JANUARY 23, 1978 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on <br />Monday, January 23, 197$, at 7:30 p.m., in the Commissioners' Room of <br />the Courthouse in Hillsborough. <br />Persons present were Chairman Richard Whitted, Commissioner~Norman <br />Gustaveson, Jan Pinney, Norman Walker and Donald [aillhoit. <br />Staff personnel present were S. M. Gattis, County Manager, Neal Evans, <br />County Finance Officer, Geoffrey Gledhill, County Attorney, and Agatha <br />Johnson, Clerk. <br />Chairman Whitted asked if there were any persons present who were <br />not listed on the printed agenda, and who did have business to transact <br />with the Board of Commissioners. No one came forth. <br />Mr. Whitted asked if members of the Board wished to add any item <br />to the printed agenda. <br />Dr. William Mayes, Chairman of the Orange County Health Board asked <br />that he be permitted to bring a health financial matter to the Board's <br />attention. <br />The County Manager asked that the Berard review a resolution request- <br />ing the Governor to name Orange County a disaster area due to the recent <br />ice storms. <br />Item 2: Continuation of a public hearing dealing with confirma- <br />tion of the Assessment Roll fox the Morgan Creek Hills Farticipating <br />Paving Project. Chairman Whitted announced that it was time for the <br />scheduled continuation of the pubic hearing. He asked if there were <br />any persons present who wished to speak for ors against the paving pro- <br />ject in the Morgan Creek Hills area. No one came forth. <br />The County Attorney reminded the Board that at the December 5, 1977 <br />public hearing, questions were raised by Mr. Francisco, a resident of <br />Azalea Drive in the Morgan Creek Hills area, regarding. the State's <br />decision to not pave Azalea Place. Mr. Gledhill stated that the State <br />had since reversed that decision and has decided to pave Azalea Place. <br />He suggested that the public hearing be concluded and that the Board <br />adopt the Preliminary Assessment Resolution, which will assess each <br />property owner $491.00 for paving of their portion of the road. <br />The Chairman asked again if there were persons present who wished <br />to speak for or against the paving project. No one came forth, and the <br />Chairman declared the public hearing concluded. <br />