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Attachment 10 2 6 <br />F.zcerpt of January 14 Planning Board Minutes <br />Brian Crawford: So, it's been moved and seconded that we recommend the approval of the statement of <br />consistency and the resolution of rezoning for tract two. <br />Jay Bryan: Just to let me explain my vote against it. I think the points you are making are fair and I certainly <br />don't disagree with you. My issue is with the 20 ft. buffer that we approved because it was essentially a <br />general change in that ordinance not because of what might happen if we oppose the ordinance in a specific <br />place. If we are opposing this designation on this tract, we're effecting a whole lot more neighbors and lots <br />that are residential in character that are going to be much more impacted by a 20 ft. buffer on the backside <br />of this property and also without an ability to be a participant in a speaal use permitting process. <br />Robert Davis: The perimeter buffer goes to 50 ft., I may not have explained that. The perimeter buffer <br />along the EDD goes to 50 ft. rather than the 100 ft.. The 20 ft. is the intemal between units. . <br />Jay Bryan: The intemal being side to side? <br />Robert. Davis: The intemal lot lines. It's still 50 ft. back there but the buildings are a lot smaller. <br />Brian Crawford: Any more discussion? <br />MOTION by Samantha Cabe to accept the staffs recommendation in regard to tract two. Seconded by <br />Tommy McNeil. <br />Vote: 6 to 2 Motion Passed (Jay Bryan and Larry Wright opposed) <br />