ORD-2009-011-Zoning Atlas Amendment (Rezoning) – 4115 Old NC 10 (Jones)
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2000-2009
ORD-2009-011-Zoning Atlas Amendment (Rezoning) – 4115 Old NC 10 (Jones)
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Last modified
5/9/2011 10:01:42 AM
Creation date
9/3/2009 11:28:30 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20090203
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Attachment 10 2 4 <br />Ezcerpt of January 14 Planning Board Minutes <br />Citizen: My name is Jo Soulier and I just want to address a couple of things that some of you were <br />questioning. Why save these four litt~ houses, if yoU think about coming off the highway and what people <br />might think of Hillsborough, you come off the highway and so far there's grass and then our neighborhood <br />and then these four little houses slow{y you're working your way up, yes, there's the gas station, and the <br />credit union. Then you go over and you get slammed with fast food so if we could keep it gradual going in. <br />We are all for whatever helps those four houses stay in there. What Hillsborough did was take everything <br />all the way around and they took us too but they left those four little houses because the water and sewer <br />doesn't make it down to there. Our water arid sewer comes from behind there's a water tower up there. <br />There is no water and sewer down the street there, so that's another wnsideration. Hillsborough didn't <br />even want to take them in. That's why they're not part of that. I can't say enough how much we oppose <br />trying to put parking behind these building where it's not visible. What I'm hoping with these four little <br />houses if that all passes and we can keep the houses there is with a shared driveway kind of thing, maybe <br />the driveway can go in between and the parking lot can be in the space you can see between the houses <br />and not actually go up behind them. Keep it in the space that is still visible from the road that way the <br />parking lot can still be behind but visible. My last little problem, if you will, the lower tract, if you see it's got <br />that one little finger sticking out. That use to be one of Comwallis Hills lots and that does come all the way <br />through into our neighborhood onto the street. When the owner bought that lot thinking they were going to <br />build a church there and all of Cornwallis would come through there to go to church. I do believe its no <br />longer on the books as part of Comwallis Hills but it's still real interesting how things can troop back and <br />forth there and we're worried about our safety and what might want to continue on. I don't know what you <br />can do about that but it's kind of a funnel in and we're scared about it. I thank you for looking out for us and <br />for even being here and looking at all of this. <br />Brian Crawford: Thank you. <br />Robert Davis: There's a stream right there at that corner crossing that I'm not sure of all rules that would <br />come into play but ('m sure there would be Neuse River rules so it would be somewhat expensive from an <br />engineering perspective. I can't imagine anyone wanting to use it for primary business access --maybe <br />emergency access. I'll talk to the erosion control supervisor and find out what that would entail. That would <br />add quite a bit of costs to a project. <br />MOTION by Jay Bryan to approve a statement of consistency regarding tract one and a resolution to <br />approve ordinance for zoning atlas amendment for rezoning for tract one. Seconded by Larry Wright. <br />Brian Crawford: Is there any discussion? <br />Tommy McNeill: Is that what is presented by the staff. <br />Jay Bryan: I'm not moving regarding tract two. <br />Tommy McNeill: Is that what you are presenting as well? <br />Robert Davis: We've recommended both tract one and two. Statement of consistency is fine, he's got to do <br />that anyway. Once you get to the recommendation. We've recommended tract one and tract two to be <br />rezoned. <br />Brian Crawford: We have to go back to tract two. He's only recommending tract one right now. <br />Tommy McNeill: The question I would have are we also going to vote on two as well. <br />Brian Crawford: Yes, if someone makes motion. <br />
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