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21 <br />Attachment 10 <br />Excerpt of January 14 Planning Board Minutes <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD <br />JANUARY 14, 2009 <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />MEMBERS PRE5ENT: Brian Crawford, Eno Township At-Large (Chair); Jay Bryan, Chapel Hill Representative <br />(Vce-Chair); Rachel Phelps Hawkins, Hillsborough Representative; Jeffrey Schmitt, Cedar Grove Township; <br />Tommy McNeill, Eno Township Representative; Mary Bobbin Cooke, Cheek Township Representative; <br />Larry Wright, Cedar Grove Township At-Large; Samantha Cabe, Chapel Hill Township At-Large; <br />MEMBERS ABSENT: Joel Forrest Knight, Little River Representative; Nathan Chambers, Cheeks Township <br />.At-Large; Bingham Township; Vacant; At-Large, Vacant . <br />STAFF PRESENT: Craig Benedict, Planning Director, Robert Davis, Current Planning Supervisor, Michael <br />Harvey, Planner II; Perdita Holtr, Special Projects Coordinator; Shannon Beny, Special Projects Planner, <br />•. ~ Tina Love, Administrative Assistant II <br />OTHERS PRESENT: Margo Pinkerton, Citizen; Jo Soulier, Citizen <br />(Document with subject line "Vernon Davis NC 54 rezoning request" was passed out by staff from Steve <br />Yuhasz, Attorney for Vernon Davis) <br />(Due:fo recorder malfuncfion there are no recorded minutes. The following is a summary of meeting from <br />written notes and staff) <br />-AGENDA ITEM 14: REZONING OF SEVERAL PROPERTIES ALONG OLD NC HIGHWAY 86 FROM ECONOMIC <br />• _ DEVELOPMENT -LIMITED OFFICE ONE (ED-LO-1) TO EGONOMIC DEVELOPMENT LINEAR <br />• OFFICE (ED-LNR). <br />To consider a recommendation to the BOCC regarding the rezoning request heard at <br />the November 24, QPH. <br />Presented by: Robert Davis, Planner III <br />(Document with subject "Proposed Rezoning of land abutting Cornwallis Hills Neighborhood on Old 86" was <br />distributed by staff from. Citizen Jo Soulier.) <br />Robert Davis gave a presentation and explained that the reason was up for rezoning. <br />Robert Davis: This is a County initiated rezoning action. There are a couple of people who want to sell their <br />property for specific uses and based on the buffer, there are issues with being able to do a review. All <br />homes are non conforming right now on both tract one and tract two which means from a single family <br />perspective: if they were to bum down there could be problems with reconstruction. <br />_ Jay Bryan: How many houses are there in tract two? <br />Robert Davis: Only one. There are four on the other tract. This land was included in the ED <br />comprehensive plan amendments that were done back in 2001. Earlier there were three economic <br />development districts, Buckhom, Durham-I-85, and then you had this one. Until 2001 they all had generally <br />the'same standards. In 2001 the County Commissioners, after a joint study with Hillsborough, Beaded to <br />break this down into more geographic speafic land uses. The areas we're talking about tonight were setup <br />to be districts that were smaller, but were adjacent to residential areas. By being adjacent to residential <br />areas, the volume of the building was reduced to 5,000 sq. ft. maximum under the ED-LNR district and the <br />