Orange County NC Website
7 <br />AMENDMENTS TO THE <br />ORANGE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE <br />(Only those sections or subsections amended are set out below) <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF ORANGE <br />COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, hereby amends the Orange County Zoning Ordinance <br />by adding (indicated by double underlined language) and deleting (indicated by stricken <br />through language) as follows: <br />Proposed Amendment: Part I <br />That Article Nine Six (6) Application of Diinensionat Requirements, 6.29.3(a) ~llsborough <br />Area Economic Development District Design Manual, be amended to read as follows: <br />3.2 BUFFERING NEIGHBORIlVG USES: <br /> <br />1. <br /> A rear ~~~i4hin 4Mn <br />A buffer one hundred 100 feet in wid shall be re aired alon the Hillsboro <br /> EDD bound and alon the Old and New NC Hi wa 86 hi wa corridor. o <br /> ro rties located within the ED-LNR zoni distri a fift SO foot wide b <br /> shall be required along_the hi~hwav corridor. <br /> <br />2. <br />IaiE~ways: <br />A buffer one hundred 100 in wid shall be re aired for all ro erties that hav <br /> frontage or are otherwise adiacent to the right-of-wav of an interstate hi~hwayfsl. <br /> <br />3. Scr~eening between adjacent land uses shall be provided In accordance with <br />the attached Schedule of Land Use Buffers. In cases where an licant ro se <br />to utilize an exis ' residential structure to ouse a rofessional office or simil <br /> rofessional service i.e. doctor beautician dentist etc the screenin standar s sh <br /> be as follows: <br />a. Existin sin a-famil residential structures shall onl be ermitted t <br />