ORD-2009-009-Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment: Hillsborough Area-
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2000-2009
ORD-2009-009-Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment: Hillsborough Area-
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Last modified
5/9/2011 8:55:41 AM
Creation date
9/3/2009 11:17:44 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20090317
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2009
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'S <br />ATTACH ONE (1): PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT: <br />Section 6.29.3(a) - HiIIsborough Area Economic Development District Design Manual: <br />Sectian 3.2 Buffering of Neighboring Uses: <br />Section: Existing Re ations -Pro osed Chan es; <br />3.2 Buffering of 1. A buffer of 100 feet in width (except as otherwise provided) is required at the <br />Neighboring Uses: boundary of the EDD and 100' along the roadway con~idor OId 86 and New 86 <br /> except 50' Linear Office <br /> Staffproposes to modify this section to read as follows: <br /> A buffer, one hundred (100) feet in width shall be required along the Hillsborough <br /> EDD boundary and along the Old and New NC Highway 86 highway corridor. For <br /> properties located within the ED-LNR zoning district a, fi, fly (SO} foot wide buffer shall <br /> be required along the highway corridor: <br /> Staff recommends the revision in an effort to make the section flaw better and make <br /> specific reference to the appropriate EDD zoning sub-district <br /> It should be noted that staff does not believe that the roadway corridor, of EDD <br />. boundary, buffer aught to be amended. <br /> While we would like to promote the adaptive reuse of single-family residential <br /> structures we still believe it is essential to require a Large buffer along the various <br /> roadways to promote and preserve the aesthetic quality of the corridor. ~ . <br /> 2. A buffer of 100-feet is required adjacent to the right-of-way of interstate highways, <br /> Staffproposes to modify this section to read as follows: <br /> A buf `er, one hundred (100) in width, shall be required for all properties that have <br />_ frontage, or are otherwise adjacent to, the right-of-way of an interstate highway(s). <br /> Staff recommends the revision to make -the section flow better. <br /> 3. Screening between adjacent land uses shall be provided in accordance with the <br /> attached Schedule of Land Use Buffers. <br /> Staff proposes to modify this section by adding the following language: <br /> ... Schedule of Land Use Buffers..ln cases where an licant ro ose~s to utilize an <br />
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