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Board up to date on the work thus far and would include program information for <br /> each department and in general would identify where in the building their offices <br /> would be located. This meeting would not address specific office locations within <br /> the departments. Commissioners unable to attend would be provided meeting <br /> notes and handouts from the meeting. The outcome of this meeting would be to <br /> obtain agreement on the elements such that CRZ could work with department <br /> directors to specifically lay out the office space within their department and <br /> proceed to develop documents from which the job could be priced. <br /> o The Board would be advised through their Clerk of the departmental <br /> meeting with CRZ for Commissioner's OFFICE design. Board member(s) <br /> could attend should they so desire. <br /> • Step 4: CRZ completes office remodel design BOCC reviews final. Pricing <br /> begins <br /> • Step 5: Pricing is completed and appropriate contracts presented to BOCC on <br /> August 18 for approval. <br /> • Step 6: Notice to Proceed issued effective August 19, 2009, with completion <br /> anticipated no later than October 16, 2009. <br /> o County would serve as our own general contractor on Phase I and retain <br /> the various services we would need to carry out the work. Except for the <br /> sprinkler system installation, the bulk of the work will be carpet, painting <br /> and minimal general contract work to move or construct new walls. There <br /> will be no structural element involved in this phase of the renovation. <br /> • Step 7: GSC-A departments are relocated as the work is completed at Link <br /> Center. This means departments will move in phases as their space is <br /> completed. <br /> • Step 8: Office upfit is completed at Link Center no later than October 16, 2009 <br /> and all departments have been successfully relocated from GSC-A to Link <br /> Center. <br /> Phase II <br /> Phase II includes development of the Board meeting room and the facilities conference <br /> rooms on the lower level of the Link Center. This discussion will include an analysis of <br /> critical elements of the project, including the seating capacity and opportunities to <br /> accommodate overflow crowds which will then inform the program and design of the <br /> space. <br /> Step 1: A contract with CRZ will be presented for design work of Phase II in the Fall- <br /> 2009. Step 2: Through a series of meetings and tours of nearby facilities, CRZ will <br /> assist the Board in the development of a program for the Board meeting room, including <br /> desired technological elements. These meetings can be set according to the <br /> convenience of the Board members, but ideally should begin in October and conclude <br /> no later than December 31, 2009. It is likely the Board will want to also involve other <br /> potential users of the Board meeting room, such as the Town of Hillsborough and the <br /> Board of Education. Both entities previously expressed interest in using the facility for <br /> televising their Board meetings, assuming a suitable agreement on the price of use <br /> could be struck. <br /> Step 3: At such time as a successful design has been created by the Board, the final <br /> pricing for the project would be obtained and a contract presented for approval. <br /> Because we anticipate the work in this area will be more extensive and may include <br />