Orange County NC Website
The County of Orange is collecting taxes for almost all of the taxpayers <br />far whom the three municipalities of Carrboro, Chapel Hi11 and Hillsborough <br />are providing the same "service". It appears that this dual.activity need be <br />performed only once at a considerably reduced cost and resulting savings to <br />the taxpayers, as well as less of the inconvenience from dealings with two <br />governments- and two bills. . <br />As this report is revie+r~ed, it should be understood that the collections <br />activity of the County tivill remain much as it would be if it were collecting <br />only its own taxes.. The tax amount on some of its bills will 6e larger, but <br />, the volume tivill be the same. The increasQd activity.rvill came in distribution, <br />of taxes and reporting to several units. .Unfortunately, at least at first, - -~Y <br />there will be considerable problems arising just from the confusion of anew <br />• system. . <br />TAX BILLING <br />The County is currently preparing separate bills for each unit using <br />the same computerized .data base that it uses for its ativn bill. A single bill , <br />can 6e.prepared from this base combining City and County taxes, just as the <br />County now joins with Special Districts. This activity alone will save <br />approximately $1.00 per municipal taxpayer including the cas-brof the extra <br />bill, envelope, stuffing and postage. ' <br />It is particularly important that bills be prepared as soon as possible <br />after the setting of the tax rates. . <br />A single scroll will 6e prepared with sub-totals for each unit and each <br />unit tivill be provided with a copy of :hat scroll and a copy of any additional <br />billings such as "corporate excess" (the State determined utility taxes). <br />The entire amount of the levy will be "charged" to~the County Tax <br />Collector annually by the Orange County Board. She will then have complete <br />legal authority for collection of the levy-.- <br />~ For mailing purposes, the tax bill will identify the County offices.. <br />The large majority of the taxes will be received by this method. There will, <br />J' of course, be some mail receipts at the municipal buildings. Generally these <br />would be forwarded by mail to the Courthouse. <br />Tax ayers should be encoura ed to mail in their <br />P 9 payments and considerable <br />initial publicity should be directed toward this goal in order to limit the <br />walk-in activity. "Walk-in customers", however, will .be received in Chapel <br />Nill and Carrboro municipal buildings and in the Courthouse far the payment <br />of the taxes of any of the four units. <br />i <br />