Orange County NC Website
~`4 <br />attended the Conference from Orange County, and that the Chairman to the <br />four Sub-groups were invited to the Conference. <br />Mrs. Barbour raised the question of the County providing an overhead <br />projector for viewing of maps, charts, and etc. <br />The County P4anager was requested to investigate the possibility of <br />securing a large scaled map of the County to be erected on the wall of <br />the Commissioners' Room. <br />The remainder of the meeting was used to list points of concern which <br />should be put into a priority ranking far next Spring. Items listed were: <br />The Health Department's proposal regarding alternatives to <br />septic systems. <br />School Boards concerns for 1978-1979 <br />Acquisition of real property (Executive Session) <br />Planning matters, such as additional staff <br />Scheduling of fees for certain services performed by the Rrosion <br />Control Officer and the Building Inspector <br />Identify and plan for the preservation of water resources in the <br />County <br />Parks and P^ecreation Advisory Commission <br />Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Regulations <br />Policy regarding the EPiS Council <br />Meeting with other governmental boards - Intergovernmental Dinner <br />Communications with other governmental bodies including t?ebane <br />and Town of Hillsborough <br />Meeting with Health Board <br />Facilities Program <br />Human Services - Transportation and Multi-funding agencies <br />Proposal for a unified tax bill <br />Title XX for next year <br />Preliminary information regarding "nisclosure Ordinance" Commissioner <br />Willhoit will discuss this with A?r. Coleman, County Attorney. <br />All of the above items were briefly discussed anc? then Commissioner <br />Gustaveson summari-ed the result of the meeting. <br />A letter is to be forwarded by the Clerk to the Department of Trans- <br />portation in Graham regarding the damage to Old 86 since the installation <br />of the pipeline by O[9ASA. <br />At the next meeting of the Board, a report will be presented by the <br />Acting Planning Director regarding planning staff needs, erosion control <br />and building inspection sections of the Planning Department. Some thought <br />should be given to the scheduling of fees in these areas. <br />At the next meeting of the Board, dates should be set for meetings <br />with the following: 1) Recreation Advisory Commission, 2) Health Board, <br />3) Intergovernmental Boards, 4) School Boards, 5) Rescue Scuads, 6) Social <br />Services Board, and 7) EMS Council. <br />The agenda far January 23rd will have items regarding the Facility <br />Study and the Capital Outlay Program, and the !^Iater Resources Planning. <br />The County Attorney caill be asked to do preliminary x'esearch concerning <br />a Disclosure Ordinance. <br />Title XX will be discussed when the Board meets with the Social <br />Services Board. <br />The Human Services Coordinating Committee is continuing to meet and <br />will bring a recommendation to the Board. <br />Another meeting will be planned with the Planning Board and Staff <br />regarding planning priorities and time frames for certain goals anc? o[ajec_ <br />tives. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner l9i11hoit, seconded by Commissioner Pinney, <br />it was moved and adopted to go into executive session to discuss the con- <br />sideration of acquisition of real property. <br />Executive session ensued. <br />The meeting was then adjourned. / <br />.~ _. <br />/'rte ~'~/ ~ ~~ ~4''` ~' <br />Richards `*,~7hi~tec~, Chairman <br />Agatha Johnson, Clerk <br />