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C•. <br />P?INUTF'S <br />ORANGFi COITNTY BOARb OF COT'[P42SgI0NFRS <br />JANUARY l0, 1978 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in called session on <br />Tuesday, January 10, 1978, at 7:30 p,m,, in the commissioners' RoorT of the <br />Courthouse in Hillsborough, <br />Those present were Vice-Chairman Norman Gustaveson, Commissioners Jan <br />•- Pinney, and Donald Taillhoit, <br />Commissioners absent were Norman Tlalker and Richard P7hitted. <br />Staff persons present were S. P?, rattis, County T?onager, Neal Fvans, <br />County Finance Director, Hal minis, Acting Planning nirector, and Agatha <br />Johnson, Clerk, <br />Chairman Gustaveson inquired if there were those persons present who <br />wished to bring any matters to the attention of the Board of Commissioners. <br />Horace Johnson, a member of the Hillsborough mown Board, asked that <br />the Board discuss the sewer line situation in the Northern Fairview area. <br />Josephine Barbour stated that she had cruestions regarding the Balanced <br />Growth and P:conamic bevelopment Conference now going on in Charlotte, <br />The Chairman asked Mr. Johnson to make his presentation to the Board, <br />Mr. Johnson stated the problem in the Northern Fairview area evolved <br />because of contaminated wells, and the Town of Hillsborough viewed this as <br />a health problem which needed to be corrected to avoid an epidemic. A <br />committee, on which Mr. Johnson serves, has received a cost estimate from <br />the Town's engineers, Rase, px•idgen, and Freemon, for extending sewer lines <br />into the Northern Fairview area of between 520,000 to $32 000. T <br />is now seeking ways of financing the project. Mr. Johnson statecihtheo owntee <br />of Hillsborough was not in a <br />Johnson has talked with Dave Reynolds of TriancletJe entire project, D?r, <br />the possibility of the Town receiving some funding throughathenCleandAir <br />Clean T9ater Bonds, Fie requested that the County o <br />Hillsborough in financing this project by committinin with the Town of <br />prOject• Construction work can be done by r~anpowergcrewS000The majanc~ost <br />of the project would be the cost of the pipe anc? the pumping station. <br />funds. <br />A portion of the cost of the project will be covered by Community Development <br />Commissioner T9illhoit stated he was in favor of the County participatin <br />1n the joint. venture with some arrangement to be decided upon that the money <br />would be paid back to the County. g <br />Commissioner ,Pinney stated that he felt tap on fees should be waived <br />since this is a health problem, The purpose of the project is to <br />one on the sewer system, and there could be people who could not affort the <br />tap on fee, get every- <br />Commissioner T•~illhoit moved that <br />money available far this project and that detailspbecwarkedtautafar the <br />money to be repaid from revenues. g the <br />Commissioner Pinney asked that the motion be amended to state that the <br />project move with haste and that the Town Board consider waivine~ the tan on <br />fees (privilege fee), Commissioner T^)illhoit agreed to the amendment, <br />Commissioner Pinney seconded the motion. <br />The Chairman called far a vote, and all members of the Board voted aye. <br />The motion was declared passed, <br />For the record, it was stated that this is an appropriation to aid in <br />solving an acute health problem identified by the County Health nenartment <br />and is not a policy set by this Board in extending sewer lines. <br />Chairman Gustaveson recognized Mrs. Barbour who inquired about who <br />received invitations to attend the Balanced Growth Conference in Charlotte. <br />The County Manager informed P4rs. Barbour that two representatives <br />