Orange County NC Website
The Haw River is shown as a natural and scenic river under the Environmental <br />areastyareashownkinatheeurban areaslalongyspre~s ofrChapelsHill praserved <br />and Durham. rrboro <br />All projects for Southern Orange are carried forward for the mixed <br />objectives. <br />Discussion ensued among members of the Board and the representatives <br />from the State. Mr. Wray pointed out that water resource sites needed to <br />be preserved for future use. He stated that after the State initiates the <br />Capacity Use Study, Orange County could expect some planning assistance. <br />The Environmental Management Division determines the priorities in the State. <br />The Chairman expressed the Hoard's appreciation to Mr. Wray and his <br />staff for attending the meeting. <br />The Hoard of Commissioners broke for lunch at this point in the meeting. <br />Item 6: The Manager recommends the County lease new office space in <br />the Chapel Hill-Carrboro area in which the Drivers License Examiner can <br />operate. The agenda attachment stated that effective January 1, 1978, <br />there will be new licensing requirements for persons operating motorcycles. <br />The present location of the Drivers License Examiner does not have facilities <br />for proper outside testing of these persons. Anew location has been found <br />which is suitable for such testing, at a cost oc $600 per month. There is <br />a possibility of receiving some of the rent monies from the Town of Chapel <br />Hill and Carrboro, and after July 1, 1978, the Department of Motor Vehicles <br />feel it will have some funds available to pay a portion of the rent. In <br />addition to rent increase, the County is faced with utilities as well as <br />remodeling or clean up cost. The possibility exist that the County may sub- <br />lease some space in this facility to the Section Eight Housing Office. <br />The County Manager informed the Board that Commissioner Pinney had <br />obtained permission from the Division of Motor Vehicles to allow the station <br />to remain in its present location for a short period of time. <br />sons mightlinvestigateethedpossibilityrofnothermavailableospace inatf per- <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro area. he <br />Item 8: Appointments: <br />A- Mr. John Woodson's term on the Orange-Person-Chatham Area Mental <br />Health Board has expired. Mr. G7oodson is filling the required Attorney's <br />position on this board. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustavesan, seconded by Commissioner <br />Willhoit, it was moved and adopted to reappoint John Woodson to the Area <br />Mental Health Board. The Clerk was requested to inform Mr. Woodson and <br />Mr. Baxter, Area Director. <br />Item 7: The County Attorney will propose a County "Insulation <br />Ordinance". <br />Mr. Gledhill, County Attorney provided the Board with an explanation <br />to questions raised at a previous meeting. (1) the question regarding the <br />licensing and inspection of insulation being installed in pre-existing <br />structures. Th.e Attorney stated the Ordinance does include pre-existing <br />structures providing the insulation is being done by a third person. If <br />the work is being done by the owner, there is an exemption. An Insulation <br />Permit is needed for any third person performing the work. (2) A question <br />was raised by the Building Inspector as to whether or not power on new <br />statedutheoproblemeseemeddtonbeeenforcementtand he recommendedMthaCledhill <br />Board take no action at this time, t the <br />The County Attorney recommended that one section be added to the <br />Ordinance relative to insulation installation not designed to meet the <br />State Building Code. The new section states that all sales contracts <br />executed for installation within the County shall contain a provision that <br />the work meets the requirements of the State Building Code. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson suggested that the disclosure information be <br />enlarged upon. <br />