Orange County NC Website
4 ~ ~l <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Cammissa.oner <br />Willhoit, it was moved and adopted to approve the recommendation of the <br />staff to enter into a contract with Integrated Energy Systems and the hir- <br />ing of an energy coordinator to work with Integrated Energy Systems in <br />developing an Energy Program for Orange County. <br />Commissioner Willhoit expressed his desire for the County to employ a <br />staff engineer to look at long term planning. <br />Mr. $radshaw was requested to forward to the Board a copy of his pre- <br />sentation of the proposal of Integrated Energy Systems. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated that the County should start moving on <br />establishing an Energy Commission to work with the area schools in con- <br />serving energy. <br />The contract with Integrated Energy Systems will be signed at the <br />January 17, 1978 meeting of the Board of Commissioners. <br />The County Manager asked the Board to hear the report of the Social <br />Services Director concerning the General Assistance Fund of that agency. <br />Mr. Ward informed the Soard that the General Assistance expenditures <br />for the month of December, ].977 was $1,618.89. The Social Services Board <br />had projected an expenditures of $1,5D0. <br />Item 3: Representatives of the State Department of Natural and Economic <br />Resources will review a draft of the Water Framework 5tudy~that is presently <br />under consideration by that agency. <br />The County Manager introduced to the Soard Messrs, John Wray, John_ <br />5outherland and other members of Mr. Wray's staff. <br />Mx. Wray stated the study would be submitted to the various Boards and <br />Commissions':of the State and hopefully would be adopted by executive order <br />of the Governor to be used by various agencies around the State in dealing <br />with water resources problems. A number of recommendations in the Study <br />will go through the General ASsembly. <br />The study is proposed to be State policy for water resources through <br />the years of 1990. The study contains problems, constrains, additions, and <br />opportunities of various subjects under water resources. The study speaks <br />of alternative courses of action in attempting to meet three objectives: <br />1) Economic Development, 2) Environmental Quality, and 3) Mixed Objectives. <br />If the Governor choses to adopt the study, the document will become the North <br />Carolina Water Resources Framework Plan and will be updated annually. <br />Specifically in Orange County, the Study will speak of the transfer of <br />water from one river basin to another, the potential of development due to <br />the Interstate Highways, the possibility of paying more for water in 15 to <br />20 years than Orange County is paying now, since water will not be available <br />and look at this in terms o f future growth fox the County. <br />The representatives from the Department of Natural and Economic Re- <br />sources presented to the Board a slide and tape presentation of the Water <br />Resources Framework Study. <br />Maps of Orange County were shown with three Economic Development pro- <br />jects proposed for Northern Orange County: 1) A~proposed reservoir on the <br />upper Eno River, 2) Seven Mile Creek project and 3) A floodway system along <br />streams in Northern Orange County. <br />The Environmental S?uality map projected preservation areas along the <br />Eno River and along the floodplain in the County. <br />The Mixed objective maps, which contained a balance between economic <br />and environmental considerations, included all projects except the project <br />on the upper Eno. This project was excluded because rationale was that <br />Seven Mile Creek would be sufficient as a water source for Northern Orange <br />through the year 1990. <br />Cane Creek Reservoir is shown as an alternative water source for <br />Chapel Hi11-Carrboro area on the Economic Development plan, Also shown <br />is a regional water-sewer system for Chapel Hill-Carrboro tied into Durham. <br />