Orange County NC Website
~. <br />MINUTES -` <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />JANUARY 3, 1978 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met on Tuesday, January 3, <br />1978, at 10:00 a,m., in the Commissioners' Room of the Courthoues in <br />Hillsborough, N, C, <br />Persons present were Chairman Richard Whitted, Commissioners Norman <br />Gustaveson, Jan Pinney, Norman Walker, and Donald Willhoit. <br />Staff personnel present were 5. M, Gattis, County Manager, Neal Evans, <br />County Finance Director, Geoffrey Gledhill, County Attorney and Agatha <br />Johnson, Clerk to the Board. <br />The Chairman referred to Item 1 on the agenda: Persons not on this <br />agenda having business to'transact with the Board should make their pre- <br />sence known in order that an appropriate time might be arranged. <br />No one came forth. <br />The Chairman asked if members of the Board wished to add any items to <br />the written agenda. Items added are; <br />The scheduling of a work session and the scheduling of a meeting <br />with the Chapel Hill School Board. <br />Discussion of policies which the Health Board is proposing concerning <br />alternative septic systems. <br />Ttem 2: Minutes of the Board meetings held November 28, Decembei 5, <br />and December $, 1977. <br />the Nove~ert28n 1977ominutesnwerelapprOVeaconded by Commissioner Gustaveson, <br />Upon motion of. Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Willhoit, the December 5, 1977 minutes were approved, <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Whitted, the December 8, 1977 minutes were approved, <br />Item 4: A review of the progress to date toward developing a County <br />Energy Conservation Program by Jae Bradshaw and Item 5: The Manager recom- <br />mends developing a contract with Integrated Energy Systems to perform cer- <br />twin energy conservation wozk and to add an energy conservation person to <br />the County staff. <br />The Chairman recognized Joe Bradshaw, Mr. $radshaw stated that the <br />staff felt the Orange County Energy Program should have a duel focus. <br />(1) The staff recommends the County enter into a contract with Integrated <br />Energy Systems of Chapel Hill to.perform the following functions through <br />grant monies already received: a) Conduct an energy conservation <br />tailored to individual departments of Government, b program <br />sentation for building inspectors concerning the new Statec$uilding1Code~e~ <br />c) Review new facility plans to insure cost effectiveness and energy <br />efficiency of proposed structures, <br />Hill), d) Implementation of an ener(for the County and the Town of Chapel <br />Town .buildings, e) Monitoring of a1lyCountynandgTowntBuildings andnmaking <br />recommendations for conservation of energy, f) Setting up an energy re- <br />source library for the County and Town's use, g) The firm would be used for <br />the implementation of the above listed projects with the hiring of an energy <br />coordinator. The second part of the duel focus is the hiring of an energy <br />coordinator as a less skilled position than originally thought. It was <br />suggested that an in-house person be placed in this position to ovezsee all <br />of the above projects and to work with Integrated Energy Systems with the <br />idea that after the work with the firm is completed, this person will have <br />the capability to maintain the programs which the firm has designed. Mr. <br />Bradshaw stated that Integrated Energy Systems is the only firm in this area <br />which specializes in energy conservation. The County and Town of Chapel Hill; <br />have received a grant from the State in the amount of $g <br />energy conservation. There is same monies appropriated inOthisr use in <br />get for the hiring of an energy officer, however, additional stateafunding <br />will be sought to help fund an energy coordinator. <br />