Orange County NC Website
3.13 Wildlife and Natural Vegetation <br />The flora and faunal survey mentioned above will also allow the County to determine whether <br />impacts from the construction and operation of a solid waste transfer station at this site will <br />significantly affect the wildlife and natural vegetation of the site. <br />As indicated previously, the site is wooded and the quadrangle that the site is located within <br />contains the types of trees as indicated in Section 3.11 (oaks, hickories, and mixed hardwoods). In <br />addition to this vegetation, the NHP inventory also indicated two species of vascular plants within <br />the quadrangle that are considered rare within the state. The first species is Phacelia covillei <br />(Buttercup Phacelia) and is also listed as a federal species of concern. According to an inventory <br />by the NHP and Triangle Land Conservancy, this plant has been documented as recently as 2008 in <br />the Lower Haw River State Natural Area located approximately 16 miles southeast of the proposed <br />project site. The second species is Enemion biternatum (Eastern Isopyrum), which, according to <br />the County's comprehensive plan, has been moved from the current list of rare plant species within <br />the County to the historic list as it has not been observed for more than 20 years within Orange <br />County. The NHP inventory also indicates the presence of a bird — Vireo gilvus (Warbling <br />Vireo) — in the quadrangle, which is considered a rare species within the state. See the species <br />descriptions in Appendix B. <br />3.14 Environmental Justice <br />Prior to narrowing the candidate sites down to the final two, the sites were ranked with respect to a <br />variety of criteria including environmental justice, which was most heavily weighted. In this case, <br />2000 census data were used to rank the sites regarding potentially vulnerable population groups <br />including: minority populations, age ( <18 years and >65 years old), education ( >25 years old <br />without a high school diploma or its equivalent), and low income populations (living below the <br />poverty level). This was done by calculating the number of people per acre for each population <br />group located within a 1000 -foot radius of the site. For each candidate site, the population <br />densities for each of these population groups were added together, and the total value ranked from <br />highest density (1 ranking) to lowest density (10 ranking) for the ten sites. This site was <br />determined to have a low density of vulnerable populations, and as such, is not expected to place a <br />disproportionate burden of potential environmental consequences on any one group of people. <br />1• <br />10 <br />Environmental Assessment <br />Site 056 <br />