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Exhibit F also includes the areas with the soil type Chewacla loam. This soil is a poorly drained <br />soil that under certain conditions may be habitats for wetland flora. However, the area of the <br />property that contains this soil type was inspected and no wetlands were identified. <br />A feature was identified by the Orange County Erosion Control Division staff in the process of <br />completing the Surface Water Identification for the property, which may or may not meet the <br />criteria of a wetland. This feature is not located in an area of disturbance for the project and would <br />not be expected to be impacted by project operations. Additional information is provided in the <br />Surface Water Identification Report (see Appendix A). <br />3.5 Prime or Unique Agricultural Lands <br />The site is wooded and is not currently being used for agriculture. The areas adjacent to the site <br />are also heavily wooded or used for commercial purposes. <br />According to information from the National Resources Conservation Service, the three soil types <br />found at this site would not be considered prime or unique agricultural lands. As shown in Table <br />1, the site's primary soil type, Lignum Silt Loam (Lg), has a land capability classification of "2w" <br />indicating that this area may experience excess water for agricultural purposes during the growing <br />season that would cause crop damage or that the site may experience excess water during winter <br />months that would adversely affect deep- rooted perennial crops. Herndon Silt Loam (HrB) has a <br />classification of "2e" indicating the soil is slightly eroded and would require some management or <br />soil conservation practices. The Chewacla Loam (Ch) is classified as "4w," which means it has <br />frequent or continuous amounts of excess water during the growing season causing some moderate <br />crop damage. <br />Therefore, it is determined that there are not prime or unique agricultural soils at the site or in the <br />immediate surrounding area of the site. <br />1• <br />on <br />Environmental Assessment <br />Site 056 <br />