Orange County NC Website
Please refer to ATTACHMENT SIX for all detailed comments received concerning the <br />review of the EA. <br />Staff Assessment: <br />Staff did not receive comments from various State or local agencies indicating that the <br />project should not move forward or indicating any irreparable environmental harm as the <br />result of the proposed development. As detailed herein two (2) agencies recommend <br />that additional study and work should be performed, specifically the completion of a <br />professional and formal wetlands delineation, an investigation/identification of any and <br />all endangered species within the area, and the completion of a cultural archaeological <br />report. <br />Two follow-up correspondences were received and forwarded back to the two state <br />agencies for additional comments. Per Orange County policy, a Cultural and <br />Archaeological Resources Survey is required for any project that involves the <br />disturbance of 0.5 acres or more and ' is done when the County owns the land and <br />during the site plan review process detailed within Article Fourteen (14) of the Zoning <br />Ordinance. <br />None of the agencies recommended any changes to the project other than requesting <br />that consideration be given to using native species landscape varieties. <br />A preliminary plan dated June 11, 2009, prepared by the consultant, shows an 2,500 <br />square feet impact to the wetland areas that were field delineated by Hal Owen & <br />Associates (dated April 7, 2009) and subsequently surveyed by Summit Consulting on <br />May 5, 2009. <br />The Corps of Engineers have agreed with the field determination and has not provided <br />staff with any indication that the project could not proceed as proposed as detailed <br />within their Notification of Jurisdictional Determination dated August 11, 2009 (Please <br />refer to ATTACHMENT SEVEN). <br />