Orange County NC Website
by a qualified individual or firm prior to planning staff's completion of the final EA report. <br />That report was prepared by Hal Owen & Associates, Inc and is included as <br />ATTACHMENT FOUR for your review. <br />Environmental Assessment: <br />In the fall of 2008, staff was presented with a rough concept plan detailing the possible <br />development of a solid waste transfer station on the Site. The concept plan indicated <br />that there would be approximately eight (8) to ten (10) acres of land disturbing activity <br />associated with the project, including the proposed access road off of NC Highway 54. <br />After review of the concept plan, and the various provisions of the EIO, staff concluded <br />that: <br />1. The proposed development project was not listed as being exempt from the <br />preparation of an EA, <br />2. The proposed land disturbing activities were over the 40,000 square foot <br />threshold detailed within Section 2.2.3 of the EIO requiring the submission and <br />completion of an EA, and <br />3. The project was proposed on a parcel(s) of property over 2 acres in area. <br />For these reasons, staff required the completion of an EA as a prerequisite step to a <br />future formal site'plan application submission and review process. <br />The EIO gives applicants the option of preparing an EA study prior to the actual <br />submittal of a development project as part of the due diligence process or as part of the <br />process of obtaining a valid governmental approval. For those land uses that are <br />permitted by right, as detailed within Section 4.3 of the Orange County Zoning <br />Ordinance, the applicant may choose to submit the EA along with the building permit <br />application. In this specific instance, the EA was a mandatory prerequisite to <br />investigate and identify possible environmental issues both on an off site arising prior to <br />the County making adecision to* purchase the site. <br />The EA application for Site, completed by the consultant and their sub-consultants, was <br />prepared in accordance with the Orange County EIO and followed the State <br />Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) application guidelines to provide staff additional <br />information regarding environmental impacts of the project. <br />Other than the 40,000 square feet triggering mechanism, there are no other criteria in <br />the Orange County El 0 that would require preparation of an EA. Furthermore, the <br />project as proposed would not require an EA under the State Environmental Policy Act <br />(SEPA) because the anticipated amount of waste to be handled is less than 350 tons <br />per day. <br />