Orange County NC Website
M <br />Procedure <br />After planning staff receives all agency comments (State and local), an EA report is <br />prepared outlining the findings of adherence to E10 requirements. If the EA has not <br />been submitted in a complete manner or there is a need for additional analysis or <br />investigation, staff may request that the EA be revised by the applicant. If the EA <br />addresses environmental concerns and the project could proceed With minimal <br />disturbance to the maximum extent practicable, staff will issue a Finding of No <br />Significant Impact (FONSI) in the report. The applicant is notified of the finding. <br />However, if additional, review of the project is necessary, then staff may issue a Finding <br />01 <br />of Significant Impact [FOSI) and may require that an EIS document be prepared in <br />order to obtain additional information to evaluate environmental impacts of the project. <br />If an EIS is suggested, the applicant may ask for review by the County manager to <br />finalize the decision. <br />The EIS would require more elaborate site development information and would be done <br />concurrent with a formal Site Plan submittal in accordance with Article 14 of the zoning <br />ordinance. This EIS level of review would follow a similar review process but in a more <br />formal nature through the state clearinghouse. Again, as noted previously, the OC EIO <br />process captures more information at the EA stage than is required, so most, if not all, <br />comments from all agencies are addressed before the EIS stage. <br />Section 3.2.5 of the EIO states that "The Board of County commissioners shall receive <br />the EIS and all comments for information only. The information presented may only be <br />used to determine compliance with specific development standards established in the <br />Zoning Ordinance or Subdivision Regulations." The project shall- not proceed until the <br />BOCC has been presented the EIS report. <br />