Orange County NC Website
Items that require an EA under Orange County E110 <br />The nine- (9) specific situations that trigger an Environmental Assessment are those <br />that: <br />Qualify as a small or large generator of hazardous waste as defined by the North <br />Carolina Department Of Human Resources (Hazardou's Waste Branch of Solid <br />Waste /Management Section); and/or <br />Involve, as an integral part of the operation of a commercial or industrial activity, <br />snore than 10,000 gallons per day of water usage, exclusive of domestic water <br />(2.5 gpd per employee) and water used for climate control (air conditioning and <br />heating); and/or <br />Require grading in excess of 40,000 square feet, excusive of roads, for non- <br />residential or attached residential development; and/or <br />Require grading in excess of 40,000 square feet, exclusive of roads, for non- <br />residential components of residential development (golf courses, recreation <br />facilities, and the like); and/or <br />Require one of the following Environmental permits: <br />o A Mining Permit pursuant to the NC Mining Act <br />o A State NPDES. (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit), <br />as administered by the NC Division of Environmental Management <br />.o A Non-Discharge Permit for a land application waste disposal system <br />o A permit for sludge disposal site <br />® Require Environmental Documentation by a State or Federal agency <br />Are located within the Water Quality Critical Area of the Water Supply <br />Watershed, as defined in the Land Use component of the Orange County <br />Comprehensive Plan; and/or <br />Contain sites identified in "An Inventory of Sites of Cultural, Historic, <br />Recreational, Biological, and Geological Significance in the Unincorporated <br />Portions of Orange county" or "Inventory of the Natural Areas and Wildlife <br />Habitats of Orange County, North Carolina"; [dates of maps not specified in E10] <br />and/or <br />Contain lands with slopes in excess of 25% outside of drainage easements or <br />stream buffer, as determined by USGS Topographic maps, at a contour interval <br />of 10 feet. <br />