Orange County NC Website
Orange County does not have to submit an EA to the state per the EIO. However, the <br />planning department sends to the state EA projects for informal review through the <br />Clearinghouse in accordance with General Statute 11 3A-1 and 113A- 8 and North <br />Carolina Administrative Code, Title 1, Chapter 25, 00100 and .0802(c) because these <br />state provisions are more elaborate than the County EIO for an EA. <br />This permits a more in depth review of the project at the EA stage,, so a more informed <br />decision can be made whether a full EIS is necessary or whether a Finding of No <br />Significant Impact (FONSI) is made. The Orange County Planning Department is <br />responsible for preparing the final report on. any submitted EA or EIS in accordance with <br />the, Orange County EIO. The final report is based on comments received from the <br />State agencies and from comments internally. <br />The State Clearinghouse website contains the SEPA Publication Submission Schedule <br />for both 30-day and 45-day reviews under the State Environmental Protection Act <br />(SEPA). Orange County follows the 30-day review for an EA and the 45-day review for <br />draft EIS and final EIS documents. The completed Orange County application, along <br />with the optional information provided on the State EA application, is submitted to the <br />clearinghouse for distribution to various state agencies. Because the State EA <br />application guidelines provide a more thorough review of the site and surrounding <br />areas, staff recommends, for the larger scale projects, that applicants use the SEPA <br />application guidelines in order to provide additional information needed to analyze the <br />impacts of a proposed project early in the process. <br />Use of E10 Information and Comments <br />Both the EA and the EIS documents of the county and state are fact-finding tools that <br />are used for information gathering purposes only and do not, regardless of findings, <br />create an ability to prohibit a project from proceeding. The project will be further <br />reviewed by other development review ordinances and processes with these comments <br />in mind. The documents are used to alert applicants of potential adverse environmental <br />impacts and to guide development to areas on the site that avoid to the 'maximum <br />extent practicable" and/or lessens, potentially harmful environmental impacts. <br />Exempt Projects under Orange County 10 E-- <br />Certain projects are exempt from the provisions of the ordinance as follows: <br />e Any project involving a total area of 2 acres or less. <br />0 Routine repairs and housekeeping projects. <br />0 Routine grounds maintenance and landscaping. <br />0 Bona fide farming operations, not including sludge disposal. <br />0 Single-family residential development, except for Planned Developments. <br />e Any project located outside of the Orange County Planning Jurisdiction, including <br />Transition Areas subject to development regulations of any Town within Orange <br />County. <br />