2009-050 DSS - Orange-Person-Chatham LME to provide mental health services to children and their families of clients of Orange Co.
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2009-050 DSS - Orange-Person-Chatham LME to provide mental health services to children and their families of clients of Orange Co.
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Last modified
8/19/2009 3:43:32 PM
Creation date
8/19/2009 3:41:16 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 05-19-2009 - 4k
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Contract #68-2002 <br />OPC Liaison <br />ATTACHMENT N <br />OUTCOMES AND REPORTING <br />Orange County Department of Social Services <br />By signing and submitting this document, the Contractor certifies that it agrees to the following: <br />1. The Contractor agrees to participate in program, fiscal and administrative monitoring and/or <br />audits, making records and staff time available to Federal, State and County staff. <br />2. The Contractor agrees to take necessary steps for corrective action, as negotiated within a <br />corrective action plan, for any items found to be out of compliance with Federal, State, and County <br />laws, regulations, standards and/or terms of the Contract. <br />3. The Contractor agrees that continuation of and/or renewal of this Contract is contingent on <br />meeting the following requirements. The Contractor agrees to: <br />A. Provide .5 FTE qualified staff person to provide access to mental health services to <br />children and their families who are clients of the Department; and <br />B. Assure that children and their families served by the Department have access to all <br />needed services including early identification and time-critical intervention; and <br />C. Attend staffmg and other meetings at the Department to assure that Department staff, <br />the children and their families have information about mental health services, including <br />eligibility and access; and <br />D. Assure availability to Department staff for consultation regarding mental health needs <br />and services, including consultation on crisis intervention <br />E. Submit programmatic reports as requested by the Department and assist the Department <br />in meeting all reporting requirements to State and other agencies; and <br />F. Maintain fiscal books, records, documents and other evidence that reflect all direct and <br />indirect costs expended under this contract; and <br />G. Maintain client records, in accordance with established policy, that include dates, the <br />service delivered to the individual, a valid authorization for service, program records, <br />and documents and other evidence that reflect program operations; and <br />H. Furnish, as requested, information to the Department, to the fullest extent permitted by <br />applicable privacy and security laws and regulations, to support the performance of <br />activities pursuant to this contract and the full cost of activities; and submit changes, as <br />needed or required, in the contract or any materials included in this contract or approved <br />supporting information for review and approval by the Department. <br />J ~ ~ ~ ~~--.`~~-b~- Are ~.._ ~ - ~~,---c~r ~C <br />Signature Title <br />Agency/Organization Date <br />(Certification signature should be same as Contract signature.) <br />Outcomes (06/04) Page 1 of 2 <br />
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