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Donna Coffey said that the Sheriff depends on non-permanent employees for mandated <br /> services. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that the County is opening a new main library and it needs to <br /> provide a better level of service than the old library. He would like to discuss opening the main <br /> library for 64 hours. He wants to find additional money because this is supposed to be a better <br /> service. Commissioner Nelson agreed. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz suggested using the capital funds that are not necessarily <br /> needed for this year. He said that some parts of the Link Government Services Center could be <br /> done in this next fiscal year for$175,000 rather than $575,000. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that the Board said that it was going to stay at a revenue <br /> neutral rate, and the Manager recommended 54 hours, and she thinks that the Board should <br /> stay with this and consider keeping the library open more hours next year. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz to <br /> reduce overtime, seasonal, and temporary personnel by 5% overall and apply the savings to <br /> keep the main library open for 62 hours a week. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 2 (Commissioner Yuhasz and Commissioner Jacobs); Nays, 5 <br /> MOTION FAILED <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked about the DSS safety net and the implications and Donna <br /> Coffey said that it would still be funded. These monies are currently available in the 2008-09 <br /> budget. It was carried forward from last year and not much was spent last year. These monies <br /> can be carried forward to next year and fund the safety net by $145,000. This would free up the <br /> $150,000 that is currently included in the Manager's Recommended Budget for next year. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said that if monies are taken from pay as you go capital, then it <br /> has to be found from the operational funds the next fiscal year to keep it at the same level. She <br /> said that if this is increased continually, she is worried because the future is so unknown. She <br /> said that the increase in service for the library is not just hours, but what you get when the <br /> library is open. She said that the new library will clearly have a much better level of service. <br /> She does not think that it is all about the hours. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Pelissier <br /> to have the central library open for 54 hours a week. (There was never a vote on this motion) <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked to talk through the options. <br /> Chair Foushee said that they are looking at variations on options 1 and 2. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that option 2 has 54 hours, but it will be $50,000 short because of <br /> not postponing the Videostreaming. <br /> Donna Coffey suggested deferring the $50,000 in pay as you go capital for the future <br /> southwest library. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that he would support this. <br /> The Board agreed to have two motions on this issue. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br /> establish a reserve fund to which the proceeds from the sales of surplus properties will go, and <br /> that the reserve account will be used for County and school needs (60/40), with the County <br /> needs being the southwest library branch and the school needs being renovations to older <br /> schools. <br />