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the lack of merit raises is only putting the workforce beyond the 8% mark. Asking the <br /> employees to vie more while the citizens give up nothing on services and expect new projects <br /> to rise seems very unreasonable. <br /> The employees that serve the Citizens of Orange County should not be considered an <br /> expense but should be looked at as ASSETS! Our ASSETS should not be cut!" <br /> Debbie Smith read a prepared statement: <br /> "Good evening, I am Debbie Smith, speaking on behalf of the Employee Relations Consortium <br /> Pay and Benefits Committee. The ERC represents Orange County employees. We <br /> understand the current economic climate and understand all of us - the schools, the public and <br /> County employees - must give up something in the next fiscal year as a result of reducing the <br /> County budget. With this in mind, we support the pay and benefits component of the County <br /> Manager's recommended budget, which does not include a cost of living adjustment or an in- <br /> range increase and proposes suspending County 401(k) contributions in the next fiscal year. <br /> The hiring freeze and retirement incentive program recommended by the Manager will stretch <br /> our resources, and it will be necessary for us to work longer and harder to provide needed <br /> services to the residents of Orange County. Any additional cuts beyond what the Manager has <br /> recommended would place a greater burden on employees and interfere with our ability to <br /> provide these valuable services to the residents of Orange County. <br /> The Board has discussed reducing or suspending longevity pay. This cost saving measure <br /> would not be spread evenly among all employees. Approximately 40% of employees would <br /> lose this benefit while approximately 60% of employees would be unaffected, at least in the <br /> short term, by this proposal. Additionally, we feel employees who have been loyal to Orange <br /> County for ten or more years should be rewarded for their service. If the Board must consider <br /> further reductions to employee pay and benefits, we urge you to consider options that affect all <br /> employees and do not require one group to lose more than another. <br /> In closing, employees are a valuable asset to Orange County. Further cuts outside of the <br /> County Manager's recommended budget would not support that sentiment for current or future <br /> employees of Orange County. I thank you for the opportunity to be heard on behalf of the <br /> ERC and Orange County employees. We ask that you take our words into serious <br /> consideration as you work to accomplish this difficult task that is before you." <br /> Adriana Martinez read a prepared statement: <br /> "Thank you for the opportunity to speak tonight. My name is Adriana Martinez. I am <br /> the Director of Spanish for Fun, a 4-star child care center that serves as a More at Four pre-k <br /> site. With greater attention on the achievement gap between majority and minority children <br /> and children of wealth versus children of poverty, attention has been focused on the research <br /> evidence on the effectiveness of high quality early childhood education as a mechanism to <br /> level the playing field. Numerous longitudinal studies have found that children who attended <br /> high quality pre-kindergarten programs performed better in multiple dimensions. Studies have <br /> found those children are less likely to require special education services, are less likely to <br /> repeat a grade, perform higher on literacy and math tests, and are more likely to graduate from <br /> high school. <br /> A number of states are moving in the direction of universal pre-kindergarten, including <br /> Georgia, Florida, and Oklahoma. Oklahoma and Georgia will soon reach more than two-thirds <br />