Orange County NC Website
Furloughs <br /> This item has many names, leave without pay, unpaid holidays, etc. Actually it comes down to <br /> the fact of a forced situation of: we don't work and don't get paid. This item is very <br /> manageable given the right techniques and can be useful. It is not liked very much but it can <br /> be managed. The downside is that it will have a negative effect on what our take home pay <br /> will be pay day. That is something that all employees across the country today are working for. <br /> This financial situation is not limited to just Orange County, North Carolina. It is everywhere <br /> you turn. <br /> Hiring Freeze <br /> This saves money. But who is doing the job of the person not hired? It happens to be the <br /> employees that have stuck with Orange County, North Carolina in what was considered as <br /> previous hard times. They are the people that have been here for the times of no pay raise for <br /> performance, no cost of living allowance and no merit raise. This just happens to be the same <br /> people that are being reviewed for benefit and pay cuts for the new budget. To say you want <br /> more work for less pay is becoming a fact of the future. <br /> Insurance Benefits <br /> Currently the new projection indicates that there is an expected 8% increase in premiums <br /> costs. However, the budget only shows a funding of 4% for the insurance premium. Based on <br /> this, it appears that we are going to pay more or have a loss of some coverage. This is <br /> another item that will reduce our take home pay if we are to maintain what we currently have. <br /> Many of the things we advertise to keep and get good people to work here are getting smaller <br /> in size along with our paychecks. <br /> Who Else is Giving? <br /> Thus far you have asked our Directors and Managers and Supervisors to give you a budget <br /> that shows a revenue neutral budget. This means that we can't spend more next year than we <br /> did this year. Yet we are bringing on new buildings and facilities and this is going to cost extra. <br /> You have been given options to discontinue some services and thus far you are showing <br /> resistance. The education systems are looking at more budget cuts and are looking to you for <br /> help. All departments have presented to you a list of budget cuts across the board and in <br /> many cases you have resisted and ask for something different. In many of these cases you <br /> have stated what you would or would not accept with regards to the service to the citizens. It <br /> seems that our citizens are not willing to give up even a "part time" service. It seems our <br /> citizens have forgotten that we are all in the same situation. You can't possibly expect your <br /> employees to bear the brunt of the burden to keep this budget to a neutral or below neutral <br /> revenue situation. <br /> Conclusion <br /> You are the bearer of a great burden during hard times. None of us want your job. Some <br /> economic watch groups are saying it will be over soon and maybe in late 2009. Other groups <br /> are saying that such forecasts are a hopeless thought. Remember you have been given proof <br /> that we as employees are in fact below the market already. If we are 8% below as indicated, <br /> such things as furloughs, discontinuing 401(k), pay cuts, reduction in longevity and maintaining <br />