Orange County NC Website
County Share $390,639 $781,278 $1,171,917 $1,562,555 $1,875,066 <br /> (51.9% of total <br /> recommended <br /> General Fund <br /> Budget <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to the page, "County and School Related Debt <br /> Service," where it says, "FY 2010-11 payments total $3.9 million." Donna Coffey said that the <br /> payments would increase the debt service by $3.9 million. There will also be some other debt <br /> service payments that decrease next year. The net between those that are increasing and <br /> those that are decreasing is $2.5 million. <br /> Discussion ensued on how to go about applying and receiving stimulus money. <br /> Commissioner Gordon requested that the staff find out exactly how to get this money. <br /> Commissioner Nelson asked about the $1.4 million that is lost from the public schools <br /> building funds and where this is calculated into. Chair Foushee said that these were funds that <br /> were budgeted but that would not be received next year. This is still $1.4 million that the County <br /> cannot use for other things. He said that one could look at it as 48.1% plus this other loss. <br /> Chair Foushee reiterated that the Board would like to get any information on applying <br /> and use of stimulus money for perhaps funding the arts wing at Carrboro High School. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger asked about the debt for an arts wing without the stimulus <br /> money. Donna Coffey said that it depends on the size of the loan and the interest rates. The <br /> usual term is 15 or 20 years. <br /> Donna Coffey will bring this item back with more detailed information on the debt service <br /> scenarios. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz requested information on the debt service numbers for the next 5 <br /> years if no new debt was added. <br /> Chair Foushee acknowledged Dr. Ingram from Durham Technical Community College <br /> • Chapel Hill Carrboro City and Orange County Schools <br /> CHCCS Board Chair Lisa Stuckey said that the schools met with the Board of County <br /> Commissioners a month ago with the operating and capital budget requests. She said that the <br /> schools are being squeezed from two directions as both the County and the State reduce <br /> funding. With each budget iteration out of Raleigh, the situation is worse for the schools. She <br /> asked that the County Commissioners do all they can for the schools, in particular allocating <br /> 48.4% to the schools as they did last year. <br /> She said that the school board amended its CIP last week to include the Carrboro High <br /> School arts wing in the "funded projects" category. The anticipated costs are $4.5 million. She <br /> said that she was with Congressman Price today and he asked how the school system would <br /> use the federal capital stimulus money and she said that they were not getting anything except <br /> this $5 million interest-free loan. She asked the Superintendent to be in contact with <br /> Congressman Price in case there are funds that might be accessed. She reiterated that the <br /> school board would like to complete the arts wing and begin Elementary#11. <br /> Superintendent Neil Pedersen gave an update on the presentation made in April. He <br /> compared the Manager's Recommendation with what was requested. The Manager's <br /> Recommendation is $1.2 million less than the request. There are a total of 14 positions lost. <br />