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c r. -+ <br />l' IJ <br />committee representing the County, the Town of Chapel Hill and the Animal <br />Protection Society. Because the building should be one that will grow, <br />there needs to be a capability in the original plan to expand in multiple <br />directions. The 3500 square foot building is estimated at a cost of from <br />$35 to $37 per square foot. This does not include equipment nor the <br />development of the building site. Mr. Giles stated that the Committee <br />had agreed that the design is minimum, that the layout is ideal with the <br />opportunity for expansion. The proposed cost is $126,000 for the building, <br />another $10,000 to $15,000 for equipment, and additional monies for site <br />improvements. The proposed site for the animal shelter is on Airport <br />Road in Chapel Hill Township. <br />Mx. Parker Reist, Chairman of the Shelter Committee spoke to the - <br />Board about the cost of the shelter, the need for an animal shelter and a <br />passible way of raising funds for the shelter. He stated that Chapel Hill <br />had increased its share of the Animal Shelter project by $40,000 and he <br />requested that the County increase its share of funds by $30,000 in order <br />that the shelter can be completed by the summer of 1978. <br />The agenda attachment stated that the best estimates indicate the <br />project should cost about $180,000. The Town and County each have $55,000 <br />earmarked for this project, thus, the project is roughly $70,000 short of <br />the estimated cost. <br />Further discussion ensued. The County Manager stated that his recom- <br />mendation was that should the Board desire to fund this that they consider <br />the project in light of the entire building program. He stated that he <br />felt it not reasonable to deal with this project in an isolated manner. <br />He suggested that the Board consider this project along with the Mental <br />Health Center's Daycare Hospital. <br />Commissioner Walker expressed his interest in the Animal Shelter <br />facility and stated that in order to get the project off the ground, he <br />would move that the Board appropriate $30,000 for the necessary funding. <br />Commissioner Willhoit seconded the motion. <br />Chairman Whitted stated that he would like to review this facility <br />against the background of the total County building program. <br />The Chairman called for the vote on the motion. Voting aye were <br />Commissioners Walker and Willhoit. Voting nay were Commissioners Pinney <br />and Whitted. The Chairman declared the motion died. <br />Commissioner Willhoit then moved that the Board proceed in principle <br />with the animal shelter, to evaluate the building program and at the same <br />time, Mr. Giles will continue with his working drawings and to proceed with <br />the bids for the facility. <br />Commissioner Pinney seconded the motion, and all members of the Board <br />voted aye. This motion was declared passed. <br />Item 7: The Finance Director will review tentative plans proposed <br />for sale of school bonds. Neal Evans recommended to the Board that the <br />six million dollars in bands be sold February 15, 1978 and that the first <br />principle in interest would be due semi-annually, the first principle <br />payment due June 30, 1980. The $215,000 in bonds will be sold in October, <br />1979, if at all. A decision to sell these bonds will be made at that time. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Corunissioner'Willhoit, <br />it was moved and adopted that the Finance Officer move ahead with plans <br />to sell the $6,000,000 in school bands on February 14, 1978. <br />The Chairman asked that the Board defer from the agenda to hear <br />Mrs. Frances Jones, who has asked to address the Board. Mr. Whitted <br />recognized Mrs. Jones fzom the Norther area of the Fairview Community. <br />P•1r. Jones raised the question of why the County was appropriating $9,500 <br />for materials to install a sewer line for an industry, while residents of <br />her community were still waiting for a sewer line to be installed. <br />Mr. Whitted explained that the sewer line was a joint venture with <br />the Town of Hillsborough and that the installation of sewer lines in the <br />Fairview area is still part of the Town of Hillsborough's plan. Mrs. <br />Janes was invited to attend the County Health Board's meeting to discuss <br />the problem of sewage in the Fairview area. <br />