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t. <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTX BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />NOVEMBER 15, 1977 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regulax session on <br />Tuesday, November 15, 1977, at 7:3D p.m., in the Commissioners' Room of <br />the Courthouse in Hillsborough. <br />Present were Chairman Richard Whitted, Commissioners Jan Pinney, <br />Norman Walker,and Donald Willhoit. <br />Absent was Commissioner Norman Gustaveson. <br />Others present were 5. M. Gattis, County r4anager, Neal Evans, County <br />Finance Director, and Jeffrey Gledhill, County Attorney. <br />The Chairman asked if there were those persons present who were not <br />listed on the printed agenda, and who had business to transact with the <br />Board of Commissioners. <br />" The Chairman recognized Mr. Clyde Bowden who had previously submitted <br />a final plat for the Board's approval. When this plat was presented, there <br />was same question regarding the perk test on Lots 22 and 23. <br />Eddie Kirk from the Planning Staff informed the Board that John Grey, <br />of the Health Department had directed a letter to the Planning Office <br />stating that Lots 22 and 23 were provisionally suitable for soil absorption <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner Pinney, <br />it was moved and adopted to approve the plat of Clyde Bowden. <br />Item 2: Minutes of the Board meeting held November 7, 1977 are sub- <br />mitted for consideration. <br />The November 7, 1977 minutes were reviewed and certain corrections <br />were pointed out. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner Pinney, <br />it was moved and adopted to approve the November 7, 1977 minutes. <br />Item 3: Mr. James Webb, Architect for the Northside Project, will <br />review a proposal to handle minor change orders on that project. <br />The agenda attachment stated that because of long construction time, <br />a mechanism needed to be woxked out to resolve crisis as they arise (change <br />orders). Presently, all change orders must be approved by the Board of <br />Commissioners, however, to prevent holding a particular contractor up <br />several days, the County Manager recommends either the Chairman or the <br />Manager be authorized to approve change orders of less than $500,00 without <br />prior Board approval with the stipulation that a report of each change <br />order issued be made at the next Board meeting. <br />Change Order TI - This change order revolves around restroom <br />facilities for the handicapped. The existing building plans indicated <br />an eight inch petition wall between two restrooms. This wall would have <br />been substantial enough to support the grab bars required in a restroom <br />facility designed for the handicapped. The actual wall standing was not <br />that substantial. This change order reflects the sum necessary to remove <br />the existing wall and replace it with a stud wall capable of supporting <br />the necessary bars, This change order also reflects changing the commodes <br />from wall mounted units to floor mounted units. <br />Discussion ensued. Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by <br />Commissioner Willhoit, it was moved and adopted that the County Manager <br />be authorized to approve change orders of less than $1,500 without prior <br />Board approval. <br />Item 5: Mr. Gary Giles, Architect for the proposed Animal Shelter, <br />will review plans for this project with the Board, and Item 6: Representa- <br />tives of the Animal Protection Society will discuss plans to finance the <br />proposed Animal Shelter. <br />The Chairman recognized Mr. Giles who presented to the Board the basic <br />design for the proposed animal shelter which had been presented to the <br />