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- There are currently programs in place which low-income Efland Sewer customers <br /> could turn if they needed assistance on their sewer bills. These programs are the <br /> DSS Emergency Assistance (EA) program and the Samaritan Relief program <br /> administered by Orange Congregations in Mission. The EA program can provide up <br /> to $150 every six months. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked Social Services Director Nancy Coston if the Emergency <br /> Assistance program could be called something else. His concern is that people will not ask for <br /> help every month because it is not an "emergency." Nancy Coston said that it was never <br /> meant to be a monthly payment for anyone, but if the bill was behind and the customer had not <br /> used up the limit, then they could be entitled to the money. Work First funds are used for this <br /> program and it has to follow these guidelines. Part of the eligibility includes a shut-off notice. <br /> Laura Blackmon made reference to the list of tiers for monthly bills. This is a four-year <br /> program. She said that the proposal for the Board is to monitor the first and second year to <br /> see the impact on the neighborhoods and then reevaluate where they are. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked if there is capacity in these funds for additional people. <br /> Kevin Lindley said that the Town of Hillsborough has also agreed to let Efland customers use <br /> part of the water assistance fund. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz asked that notice of these programs go out with the shut-off <br /> notice. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Yuhasz, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to implement an information and referral process to alert all Efland Sewer customers on how to <br /> access Emergency Assistance programs administered by both Social Services and OCIM, <br /> including that funding by the Town, to help eligible households pay their utility bills and monitor <br /> and assess the demand for Emergency Assistance caused by increased sewer rates during <br /> the first year (FY 2009-10) and use those findings to formulate recommendations to the Board <br /> about future levels of assistance that may be necessary. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> c. Capital Project Ordinances Amendments <br /> The Board considered approving amended capital project ordinances appropriating <br /> additional funds for School Capital Projects which are over budget and making various <br /> corrections to County Capital Project ordinances. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that last fall the staff brought forward some issues with the School <br /> Capital Projects and the County Capital Projects. Finance has been itemizing the differences <br /> that resulted in the staff asking for some fund balance in order to set this right. <br /> Financial Services Director Gary Humphreys said that these are not all of the <br /> amendments the Board of County Commissioners will see and the items have been organized <br /> in groups. The first group is for the schools. He said that with the exception of the one on <br /> Pathways Elementary, all of the funds were allocated to the projects but not reflected <br /> necessarily in the budget. He said that the budget amounts are not significantly out of line with <br /> what the schools show as their budgets. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger verified that this had no negative impact on the schools and <br /> is a matter of cleaning up the books. <br /> Discussion ensued about why this is being done. <br /> Gary Humphreys said that this involves eliminating the existing revenue source and <br /> replacing it with the appropriate revenue source. <br />