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Bob Sallach said that the size would be more dictated by the geometry into and out of <br /> the facility. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz asked about the minimum lot size and Bob Sallach said 8-10 <br /> acres. <br /> Mayor Foy said that he brought a map that shows the Town Operations Center on <br /> Millhouse Road. He said that he wanted to ask whether putting the transfer station next to the <br /> Town Operations Center is worth talking about and not whether this is the right site or not. He <br /> said that the investment of local resources for the NC 54 site is greater than the investment that <br /> would be made at a site like the Millhouse Road site. He said that this merits discussion. <br /> Commissioner Nelson asked if this was an official offer from the Town of Chapel Hill. <br /> Mayor Foy said that the question is where to start and how this begins. He said that he <br /> does not even know if he supports this, but he just wants to discuss it because this site makes <br /> more sense. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that he would feel more comfortable if this was officially from <br /> the Town Council. He asked for a letter from the Town Council putting this site on the table. <br /> Mark Kleinschmidt said that he thinks that the Council would allow the Board to talk <br /> about this. <br /> Mayor Stevens said that this site looks interesting and he would be interested in <br /> discussing it. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs thanked Mayor Foy for bringing this to the Board's attention. He <br /> said that there was some inquiry several years ago of the Town, he thought, at a staff level as to <br /> whether there were any sites available. He said that the County was told that neither Chapel <br /> Hill nor Carrboro was interested in offering any sites. He said that when he heard about this, he <br /> consulted with Chair Foushee, who had met with Rogers Road neighborhood representatives <br /> on areas of interest to the community that might be addressed by the County and other local <br /> governments. One of the first things that were done in the meetings was to come up with a <br /> definition of the Historic Rogers Road Neighborhood, which does not come close to <br /> incorporating Millhouse Road. He is sympathetic to what Commissioner Nelson said and he <br /> would like to know if the Town was willing to sell. The staff can then investigate it, because one <br /> of the criteria was having a willing seller. <br /> Chair Foushee suggested that if the County moves forward with a conversation about <br /> this idea, she thinks that the Board would have to determine how to finish the process in which it <br /> is already engaged. She proposed that if the Board considers anything other than the site that <br /> is under consideration, that it continue and determine whether or not this is the site that will be <br /> used and not abandon a process while something else is entertained. She thinks that it is unfair <br /> to both neighborhoods to continue in limbo. <br /> Commissioner Gordon agreed that this is good information to think about. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that he came into this process later than most and it seemed <br /> that cost was not so much of an issue. He thinks that financial resources were greater than they <br /> are right now. He said that it seems that to study this site will at least put into perspective the <br /> costs of site#056. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger agreed that the costs have changed and she is interested in <br /> discussing the site in Chapel Hill. <br /> Councilman Ward asked if this was for lease or purchase and Laura Blackmon said that <br /> Orange County would probably prefer it be a lease because it is less permanent. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that he worries about putting this idea on the table when <br /> there is not a firm commitment. He has grown weary of the length of the process and what has <br /> been done to neighborhoods in the community. He thinks that dragging this out longer is not <br /> good leadership. He would like a firm commitment from the Town on this site. <br /> Chair Foushee asked for direction from the Board for the staff. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that this item could be added to the next agenda. <br />