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Donna Coffey went through the budget book. <br /> • Summary section with revenue by category and by department) <br /> • Page 2-3—appropriations by functions <br /> • Page 2-5 thru 2-10- functions by category <br /> • Page 2-13 has positions by department <br /> • Page 2-16 has the Board priorities from the retreat in January <br /> Donna Coffey said that the budget document is a little different in that there is not as <br /> much narrative. This document has more information that should be more useful to the Board. <br /> There are highlights for what is different from this year, line item details, etc. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that next week there will be the formal budget presentation at the <br /> regular meeting on May 191h, and then two budget public hearings will follow. <br /> Commissioner Nelson asked if any positions were being recommended for elimination <br /> and Laura Blackmon said no. <br /> Commissioner Nelson asked about furloughs and Laura Blackmon said that they have <br /> refined it to a tiered furlough plan. Commissioner Nelson asked Laura Blackmon to get this <br /> information to the County Commissioners. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that she looked at three holiday furloughs in months with three pay <br /> periods. This would only be a nominal savings. <br /> Laura Blackmon encouraged the Board to consider some more permanent reductions <br /> because next year might be worse. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked for a brief summary about the per pupil figures and how <br /> they looked better than originally thought. Donna Coffey said that the original numbers were <br /> early projections from the tax revaluations and she and John Smith got together in April and <br /> updated this information. There has also not been a reduction yet in sales tax receipts, which <br /> has helped. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked about the hiring freeze and how many positions are <br /> vacant now and if some positions were exempt from this freeze. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that the Board directed staff last year to do a three-month hiring <br /> freeze. The staff developed a process, which is an automatic three-month delay unless there is <br /> a critical position. All positions have been defined as critical and non-critical. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked about the percentage of the work force that is vacant and <br /> Michael McGinnis said 49 positions, which is about 6-7%. <br /> Donna Coffey asked if the County Commissioners would like a travel summary sheet <br /> and the County Commissioners said yes. <br /> Laura Blackmon pointed out that when you reduce travel and training, employees tend to <br /> get stale. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked for clarification on the retirement incentives. He asked if <br /> the savings would be $370,000 this year only or every year. Laura Blackmon said that it <br /> depends on who retires. It is a long-range savings, but if the position is vacant for a longer <br /> period of time then there would be more savings. <br /> Donna Coffey said that there may be opportunities for when positions become available <br /> to look at opportunities to delete these positions. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 14, Appendix A, and said that when the <br /> County starts going beyond the revenue neutral rate, he would like to note that, compared to the <br /> two school systems, the County employees are coming out pretty unscathed. He said that he <br /> would like numbers on employee discounts, longevity pay, personal leave, and what these <br />