Orange County NC Website
property or adjacent to it on Mil!house Road. He said that the community wants to keep the <br /> Eubanks Road location off the table. He read a portion of the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964. <br /> He said that siting the waste transfer station at the Howell property is also without merits. He <br /> said that they intend to keep this in the public arena and to enforce their position if necessary. <br /> Lucian Mascarella spoke about the revaluations and how they should be changed. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked about the timeline for the WTS process. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that on April 21st the staff will be coming back to the Board with <br /> an update about the waste transfer station process. <br /> b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br /> (These matters were considered when the Board addressed that item on the agenda <br /> below.) <br /> 3. Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Special Presentations <br /> a. Orange County Schools Presentation — C.W. Stanford Middle School Eco- <br /> Classroom Project <br /> The Board received a presentation from Orange County Schools (OCS) Superintendent <br /> Patrick Rhodes, OCS Board member Debbie Piscitelli, Principal Anne Purcell and Teacher Eric <br /> McDuffie regarding the C.W. Stanford Middle School Eco-Classroom Project. <br /> Orange County Schools Superintendent Patrick Rhodes made this presentation. This <br /> is an outstanding educational project. <br /> CW Stanford Middle School Principal Anne Purcell said that this began as an idea from <br /> a teacher. This has grown into a project that incorporates Orange High School and CW <br /> Stanford. <br /> Gail Hughes from Orange County Soil and Water Conservation spoke about the details <br /> of how this outdoor classroom project began. Through this project, the stormwater would be <br /> recycled and used for irrigation water. At this time, the school system is paying the Town of <br /> Hillsborough thousands of dollars for irrigation water. <br /> Eric Mr. McDuffie, one of the 8th grade science teachers at Stanford, said that there is a <br /> huge piece of greenway between the two schools and this project could be a huge asset to the <br /> students. He encouraged the Board to approve this and said that this could be a good model <br /> for future schools. <br /> Debbie Piscitelli, Chair of the Science Committee, PTSA, said that her involvement is <br /> as a parent and a school board member. Her son attends CW Stanford. She pointed out that <br /> the whole campus would be the outdoor classroom. She said that they would like a letter of <br /> support from the Board of County Commissioners to the Clean Water Trust Fund, but if that <br /> does not work out, then a future letter to wherever they commit to. <br /> Commissioner Gordon verified that no money is being requested, but only a letter of <br /> support for this program. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Pelisse, seconded by Commissioner Nelson <br /> write a letter of support to the North Carolina Clean Water Trust Fund for the Stanford Middle <br /> School Innovative Storm water Retrofit Project. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Appointment and Terms of Appointment of John Roberts as Orange County <br /> Attorney <br />