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~~w <br />the County enter into an agreement with the Town, whexeby the Town will <br />construct the pump station and install the force main, and the County <br />will pay for the material. The estimated cast of this project to the <br />County is $9,500. The firm is planning to expand its business from 57 <br />to approximately 150 employees over the next few years. Mr. Gattis <br />painted out that this area of Hillsborough is zoned industrial. <br />Mr. Whitted informed the Soard that up to about 750 people could be <br />served on this proposed line, which could possible be an attraction to <br />other small businesses which might want to locate in the area. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated that the County was getting a number <br />of cases such as'this one and he felt the County should very soon appoint <br />a study group to develop a sewer line policy for the County. He suggested <br />that the County move forward with negotiations with the Town of Hillsborough <br />and the Industry and at the same time attempt to develop a sewer line policy. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson, <br />it was moved that the County participate in the joint venture with the Town <br />of Hillsborough up to a cast of $9,500. <br />Commissioner Willhoit asked that the motion be amended to state that <br />the County will continue negotiations and at the same time the County should <br />look at the Town's water-sewer rate structure and tax fees. He suggested <br />further that the County reserve the additional tap on privileges to that <br />pump station until some of the problems. have been resolved. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson asked the Board to vote on the original motion <br />as stated and then request the County Manager to negotiate with the Town of <br />Hillsborough regarding tap on fees of industry and residents, to investigate <br />the prospective tax base to the County and job opportunities that will be- <br />come available. <br />The Chairman called for a vote on the motion and all members of the <br />Board voted aye, <br />The County Attorney was asked to draw up an agreement allowing the <br />County Manager flexibility to have certain conditions written into the <br />agreement, if the Town of Hillsborough is agreeable. <br />The County Manager was asked to provide the Board with the in-town <br />and out-of-town water and sewer rates for the Town of Hillsborough. <br />Item 13: The Manager recommends Soard approval of moving expenses <br />of $1,512.39 for the Health Director. Funds to cover this expense will <br />come from the Health Department Personnel appropriations. <br />The County Manager informed the Board that presently there is no <br />County policy regarding moving expenses in the Personnel Ordinance. <br />The Finance Officer proposed to the Board that the County Attorney <br />and Finance Officer develop such a policy. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Willhoit, it was moved to approve the moving expenses for the Health <br />Director. <br />Commissioner Pinney raised the question of whether this expense was <br />included or agreed upon in the original employeen£ agreement. He stated <br />that he was concerned that the Health Board had indicated this to Mr. <br />Robinson when no policy had been adopted. <br />Commissioner Willhoit, a member of the Health Board, stated that a <br />consensus of the Health Board was to pay the expense, yet 'the decision <br />was to be-left up to the County Manager. <br />Commissioner Walker stated that he felt this was not the proper way <br />to conduct County business. <br />The Chairman called for a vote on the motion. Voting aye were <br />Commissioners Gustaveson, Whitted and Willhoit. Voting nay were Commis- <br />sioners Pinney and Walker. The motion was declared passed. <br />The County Managez was asked to set up guidelines for job levels and <br />the Manager would then approve the positions that would be granted moving <br />expenses. This will be included in the County's Personnel Ordinance. <br />