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11 .. <br />.~ ~ ., <br />Item 7: The Manager recommends $1,500 be provided from the Contin- <br />gency Fund to acquire additional courtroom furniture. The agenda attach- <br />ment stated that a presiding judge in the Orange County Superior Court had <br />strongly requested additional courtroom furniture and equipment. The <br />estimate of this cost is approximately $1,500. The monies appropriated <br />in this year's budget of court purposes have been exhausted, and the <br />Manager recommends a transfer of funds be approved. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson, <br />it was moved and adopted to approve the transfer of $1,500 from the <br />Contingency Fund to acquire additional courtroom furniture. <br />(For copy of Budget Amendment, see page 417 of this book.) <br />Item 8: Appointments <br />A. One vacancy exists on the Carrboro Planning Board. The term of <br />Toy Cheek having expired,. The Carrboro Planning Board recommends Mr. Cheek <br />be reappointed. <br />Commissioner Walker suggested that all appointees being appointed by <br />the Commissioners submit a resume of their experience. He stated that he <br />did not know Mr. Cheek and would like to have this information before the <br />appointment is made. <br />Commissioner Willhoit moved that Toy Cheek be reappointed to the <br />Carrboro Planning Board. Commissioner Gustaveson seconded the motion. <br />Voting aye on the motion were Commissioners Gustaveson, Pinney, Whitted, <br />and Willhoit. Voting nay was Commissioner Walker. The motion was declared <br />passed. <br />The Clerk was requested to prepare a resume form to submit to the <br />various boards, to which the County Commissioners make appointments, and <br />to request that all County appointed members fill out this form for future <br />reference. It was further requested that a check be made of the out-of- <br />town appointees to the Mebane Planning Board. <br />B. The term of Ms. Sherry Wogen on the Carrboro Planning Board has <br />expired. The County Manager informed the $oard that recommendations from <br />the Carrboro Planning Board would be forthcoming. The Clerk will submit a <br />resume form to the Carrboro Planning Board for their use. <br />C. One vacancy exists on the Orange-Person-Chatham Mental Health <br />Board. The Chairman asked that this appointment be deferred until the <br />next meeting. <br />Item 11: The Manager recommends a contract for the services of a <br />Physical Therapist in the Health Department be approved. The agenda attach- <br />ment stated that the Board of Health has recommended a contract for the <br />services of a Physical Therapist be approved by the County Commissioners. <br />This contract is identical to one presently in force which ran for a period <br />,. of ninety days. Renewal of the current contract is desired, however, the <br />therapist will not be available= beyond the termination of the current con-• <br />tract. The Board of Health is requesting the Board authorize the Chairman <br />to execute a contract for these services when a physical therapist is <br />lcoated. <br />Discussion ensued as to whether or not it is necessary for the Board <br />to execute a contract for services in the .Health .Department. The Hearth <br />Administrator was asked to investigate whether or not another party is in- <br />volved in these contracts, and will report his findings to the Board. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson, <br />it was moved and adopted to approve the contract for services of a Physical <br />Therapist in the Health Department. <br />Item 12: Will the County agree to construct jointly with the Town of <br />Hillsborough a sewer pump station and 2300 feet of force main to serve an <br />industrial ar•.ea east of Hillsborough. <br />The County Manager informed the Board that a small electronics firm <br />presently located in Durham, and employing approximately 50 peopel, has <br />obtained an option on a tract of land located east of Hillsborough, and <br />wishes to relocate to this area. The firm would have a facility valued at <br />about $500,000 after construction. The Town of Hillsborough has requested <br />