Orange County NC Website
OCHD Preparedness Agreement <br />' With Person County HD <br />' FY 09-10 <br />17. Multidisciplinary training related to SNS will be conducted at least twice a year. This may <br />include road shows, seminars, and orientations. These may be in support of but will not be <br />in place of exercising the SNS plan. <br />The PC will coordinate with relevant staff in each health department to ensure that the <br />following agreement addenda requirements will be accomplished. <br />18. Each local health department must participate in the North Carolina Health Alert Network <br /> NCHAN . <br />19. Demonstrate that 75% of full-time employees will have completed the Public Health <br /> Workforce Development System Online Assessment ( by <br /> Ma 31, 2010. <br />20. Participate in county and regional Intrastate Crisis Communication Enhancement Network <br /> (ICCE Net) by establishing and maintaining a Local Health Information Team through <br /> coordination with the desi Hated ublic information officer for each health de artment. <br />21. Work with the designated public information officer for each health department to ensure <br /> that there is a point of contact for the PHP&R Communication Coordinator to facilitate ICCE <br /> Net and WebEOC activities. <br />22. Work with the designated public information officer for each health department to ensure <br /> that health risk communication educational activities are held for PIOs and media <br /> facilitators. The following is a list of core agencies and organizations that should be asked <br /> to provide a lead PIO, public affairs officer (PAO), or staff ember responsible for <br /> coordinating media/ public information and risk communication educational activities. <br /> (Others can be added as deemed appropriate by each county.) <br />• County <br />• Health Department <br />• Large Municipalities <br />• Emergency Management (if different from county PIO) <br />• Hospital(s) <br />• Emergency Medical Services <br />• Red Cross <br />23. Provide materials as needed to the public health information officers on health/risk <br /> information to the ublic and ke artners as needed. <br />The PC shall spend sufficienf time in each county to ensure that the listed deliverables <br />are accomplished. <br />The PC shall attend all Local Emergency Planning Committee meetings, PHRST 4 PC <br />Coordinator meetings, and other subcommittee meetings as necessary to accomplish <br />the deliverables. <br />The PC shall ensure that the Quarterly Narrative Report (QNR) is submitted to the <br />Division of Public Health on time. <br />Person County Health Department Responsibilities <br />Person County shall not sub-contract out any of the services provided for in this <br />Agreement without prior discussion and written approval of Orange County. <br />Person County Health Department (Provider) shall hire and supervise afull-time Public <br />Health Nurse III as the Public Health Preparedness Coordinator. The Provider shall <br />inform Orange County (County) in the event of a resignation. <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />S:\Managers Working Files\Contracts\Miscellaneous Contracts\09-10 Renewal Person Co for Preparedness Coord.doc <br />