Orange County NC Website
3 <br />1. Adjacent to an already protected property, or <br />2. Fifty (50) acres or larger, or <br />3. Historic or environmentally - sensitive. <br />Other program design guidelines include: <br />• Change the program name from Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) to Strategic <br />Growth and Rural Conservation (SGRC), <br />• A strictly voluntary program, <br />• Municipalities would not participate initially in the program, and <br />• The County will not "bank" transferred development rights. <br />Staff will make recommendations regarding the implementation of the SGRC program at a later <br />time that may include the following issues and decision points: <br />1. Revisions to the Comprehensive Plan text to incorporate the SGRC Plan, <br />2. Revisions to the Land Use Element map, <br />3. Small Area Plans for the Rural Community Nodes, <br />4. Recognition of Development Agreements as an part of the SGRC review and approval <br />process, and <br />5. Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance text to adopt Conditional Zoning. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Out of the original Phase III project budget of $49,546.81, there is a <br />remaining balance of $21,344.65 owed to the Consultant. This amount is a carry over from the <br />2006 -07 Orange County budget. <br />RECOMMENDATION: The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />1. Accept the Phase III Final Report of the Strategic Growth and Rural Conservation study <br />by the Consultant, <br />2. Close out the contract by paying the $21,344.65 remaining balance, and <br />3. Authorize the Planning staff to create an implementation program outline to be <br />considered in the 2010 -2011 BOCC priorities process. <br />