Orange County NC Website
A <br />was required since some history of the positions had been acquired <br />through a study performed in December of 1972. 3) Based on updated <br />job knowledge, examine and re-establish as appropriate all internal <br />level relationships within the jurisdiction. This involves the <br />positions in question and all other significantly related positions <br />in the plan. Factors like difficult of work, responsibility, decision <br />making, independence of action, working relationships, and guidelines, <br />are used to relate jobs by level. Mr. Gaddis stated that the study re- <br />vealed that the responsibilities had not changed and that previous rela- <br />tionships established should be maintained. 4) The major aspect of the <br />study is to collect comparative salary data from other selected juris- <br />dictions, business, or industry having closely similar jabs. For the <br />benefit of the governing body who will be making the final decision on <br />level of pay, the department of personnel attempts to "bracket" the labor <br />market by surveying: a) direct competitors,. b) other jurisdictions in the <br />same geographical region, c) jurisdictions of similar tax base and popula- <br />tian and d) jurisdictions of greater tax base and population which have <br />strong influence on competitive rates wa.thin the region. <br />A survey is made of 10 counties of these types, and an attempt is <br />made to determine on the bases of similar and related positions to the one <br />being studies, what rate is being paid at the time of the study and the <br />time was February, 1977. The informatien submitted to the County Manager <br />was that information of that survey. 5) This information is analyzed and <br />based on that analysis, State Personnel felt that the Berard could soundly <br />consider an increase of from 5 to 10 percent. He stated that his depart- <br />. ment's analysis placed Orange County in a pay rate which was closex' to the <br />mare metzopolitan counties in this region (Durham and Wake Counties, <br />Research Triangle Area, the area, and the State of North <br />Carolina). <br />Mr. Gaddis stated that he would answer any questions the members of <br />Board might have. <br />Commissioner Willhoit asked that Mr. Gaddis discuss the difference <br />in the comparison of current salary rates as opposed to range. <br />Mz. Gaddis stated that some jurisdictions operated under a classifi-- <br />cation pay plan which established a minimum salary and a maximun salary <br />to be paid for a particular job. A person working in this position may be <br />at the minimum range, the maximum or anywhere in between. This is a <br />question of individual performance and offers a structured opportunity to <br />give increases between the minimum and the maximum and recognizes relative <br />performance. <br />Some jurisdictions operate by paying a flat rate for certain positions. <br />Surveys of jurisdictions contains a mixture of both pay plans. <br />Ben Lloyd, President of the Land Owners Association, asked why the <br />person performing the State Personnel study, Jeanne Horton, was not present <br />at this meeting. He stated that he had called.Mr. Gaddis' office and had <br />specifically requested that Ms. Horton be present, and Mr. caddis had <br />assured him that Ms. Horton would be present. He charged that someone was <br />attempting to cover up, and that he wanted to know why. <br />Mr. Gaddis stated there was nothing to cover up. He stated that Ms. <br />Horton was a member of his staff. The questions involved in Orange County's <br />study were concerned with policy, protocol, procedure and office policy. <br />He stated that he was responsible for the study done in Orange County. He <br />stated that he had reviewed the study and the recommendations and found <br />them to be valid and sound. <br />Mr. Gaddis stated that it was not necessary to interview all of the <br />Department Heads, but that information was updated from the 1972 study. <br />He added that it, is not always necessary to interview new positions as <br />information is gathered through discussions with the County Manager, through <br />a proposed jab description of duties and responsibilities. <br />Discussion ensued between Mr. Lloyd and Mr. Gaddis concerning the <br />comparative salary data of surrounding counties. Mr. Gaddis informed Mr. <br />Lloyd that his department dealt with the salary range and not with dollars <br />and cents. Recommendations are made on jobs and not on individuals and it <br />is not necessary that State Personnel know the salary of the job. The <br />question of individual pay is a question of performance which is judged by <br />that person's supervisor. <br />