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L,L ~~ / <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />OCTOBER 24, 1977 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on <br />Monday, October 24, 1977, at 7:30 p.m., in the Superior Courtroom of the <br />Courthouse in Hillsborough. <br />Members present were Chairman Richard Whitted, Commissioners Norman <br />Gustaveson, Jan Pinney, Norman T•7alker, and Donald ATillhoit. <br />Staff members present were S. M. Gattis, County Administrator, Neal <br />Evans, County Finance Director, Joe Bradshaw, Administrative Assistant, <br />and Agatha Johnson, Clerk. <br />Chairman Tahitted referred to Item 1 on the agenda: Persons not on <br />this agenda having business to transact with the Board of Commissioners <br />should make their presence known. <br />Items added to the agenda were: l) A request for a fireworks <br />permit and 2) the County Attorney wishes to request the approval of the <br />Board to an Agreement and Mutual Release of budgetary suzplus and pro- <br />perty awned by the District Health Department. <br />Chairman L•II-iitted explained that the fireworks permit had been re- <br />quested by the Oak Grove Community in Bingham Township for the evening <br />of October 29, 1977. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Pinney, it was moved and adopted to approve the fireworks permit subject <br />to the supervision of the fireworks display by the Efland Fire Department. <br />The County Attorney explained to the Board that the Agreement and -.- <br />Mutual Release had been reviewed by the County Manager and the Finance <br />Officer. <br />Commissioner Willhoit moved and Commissioner Pinnev seconded the <br />motion that the document be executed by the Chairman of the Board of <br />Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Walker stated that he wished to review the document as <br />well and asked that this item be deferred until the November 7, 1977 <br />meeting. Commissioner Pinney then withdrew his second to Commissioner <br />Willhoit's motion and the Chairman declared Mr. T~Iillhoit's motion had <br />died for lack of a second. This item will appear on the November 7, <br />1977 agenda. <br />Item 2: Minutes of the Board meeting held October 1$, 1977 are <br />submitted for consideration. <br />The minutes were reviewed and the Clerk was requested to check one <br />portion of the tape of the October 18th meeting. The minutes were <br />deferred until the November 7, 1977 meeting. <br />Item 3: Mr. P4ike Caddis from the State Department of Personnel <br />will review salary range recommendations made by that agency for <br />county department heads. <br />Chairman T^Thitted introduced to the Board P2r. Mike Gaddis, Director <br />of Local Government Section of the State Department of Personnel. <br />P'1x'. Gaddis stated that the work of his department started faith a <br />request from local governing boards and the products of his de_partment's <br />work is a recommendation, however, the recommendations are not binding. <br />He stated that the procedures for the type of study which was conducted <br />for Orange=County is as follows: 1) Identify the positions to be in- <br />cluded in the study. In Orange County's case, these positions were Tax <br />Collector'-,.-Tax Supervisor, Finance Director, Planning Directoz and the <br />Recreation Director. These positions were to be studied and recommenda- <br />tions were to be made. 2) Determine the duties and the responsibilities <br />of these positions. xe stated that in this instance, an updating of work <br />