Agenda - 08-20-2009 - 1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-20-2009
Agenda - 08-20-2009 - 1
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Last modified
8/19/2009 8:48:32 AM
Creation date
8/19/2009 8:48:31 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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3 <br />In August 2008 forty-three of the seventy-seven public library systems in North Carolina were <br />represented at the Library Cooperation Summit in Boone, NC. At the summit the participants <br />were asked to rank what type of cooperative projects would have the most positive impact on <br />their library patrons. The top four projects were: <br />1) Affordable and accessible bandwidth available across the entire state. <br />2) Support for a statewide borrowing and delivery system <br />3) An Open Source Integrated Library System for all public libraries <br />4) A Netflix model for statewide borrowing and delivery system. <br />Affordable and accessible bandwidth is becoming a top priority for libraries all over the country. <br />In many areas of North Carolina, including northern Orange County, reliable bandwidth is not <br />yet available. This is most evident at the Cedar Grove Branch where there have been several <br />instances of dropped connections with the Time-Warner internet service provider, which <br />affected branch operations with intermittent service for two months. Orange County IT <br />Department worked closely with library staff and Time -Warner to address the situation. At <br />present, service has been restored, but library and IT continue to monitor and evaluate long <br />term service reliability. County management is also tracking grant opportunities through the <br />federal economic stimulus package to help local governments leverage broadband infrastructure <br />improvements. <br />The Gates Foundation has recently launched a nationwide effort to collect detailed information <br />about all public library internet connections. This effort, named the Broadband Assessment <br />Project, will help the foundation and its partners raise awareness of the need for high-quality <br />Internet in public libraries and how to meet this goal. The survey was conducted in North <br />Carolina in late November and early December. The results of the survey will be released later <br />in 2009 and will assist the State Library in planning for possible solutions. <br />Priorities 2, 3 & 4 are part of a desire to address the need for a statewide virtual catalog that <br />would provide reciprocal borrowing, statewide materials delivery, and resource sharing. The <br />State Library is developing a task force to work on the plan to take the idea of a statewide <br />catalog that will give North Carolinians "what they want, when and where they want iY' and have <br />it grow into a reality by the end of 2011. <br />A follow-up summit on the statewide broadband access and resource sharing will take place on <br />August 12 at the 2009 NCPLA Summer Conference. At August 20t" work session, I will be more <br />than happy to update the BOCC on meeting and share how these two projects will impact library <br />service in Orange County. <br />OCPL/CHPL Collaboration Project: <br />Orange County Library staff and Chapel Hill Library staff met in May 2009 to begin discussions <br />on possible collaboration alternatives between the two systems. A preliminary report <br />summarizing initial alternatives for enhanced coordinate of efforts is attached. However, due to <br />several scheduling conflicts, the Orange County Public Library and Chapel Hill Public Library <br />staffs have been unable to meet for further discussions since that time. <br />On August 19th there will be a meeting between County and Town Managers and appropriate <br />county and library staff, to review the library services alternatives, assess their impact and <br />prioritize. County management will provide the Board with a summary of the meeting at the <br />August 20`" work session. <br />
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