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~;, <br />~..~ <br />Item 7: The County Attorney will review contracts between the Law <br />Enforcement Assistance Administrator and Orange County, and between Orange <br />County and Janus House, prepared to implement a LEAA Grant for an Orange <br />County Shelter Home and the administration of this shelter home. <br />The County Attorney stated that the two contracts were in proper <br />legal form. The Finance Officer is satisfied with the contracts. <br />Commissioner Pinney stated that the program was xeady to be started <br />effective November 1, 1977. The shelter home is to be called the Shaffer <br />House. - <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved and adopted that the Chairman be authorized to <br />sign the two Contracts. <br />(For copies of two contracts, see page 400 of this book.) <br />Item 8: The Manager recommends approval of a budget amendment to <br />fund the first nine months of the 21 month grant reviewed in agenda Item <br />7. <br />The Finance Director stated that this budget amendment included the' <br />change order request of the Northside School property. The Human Resources <br />Grant will be used for the purchase of a vehicle for the Shelter Home. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit, <br />it was moved and adopted to approve the budget amendment to fund the first <br />nine months of the twenty-one month grant. <br />(FOr Dopy of Mental Health Center Project Ordinance Amendment, see <br />page 403 of this .book.) <br />Item 10: The Manager will review possible use of a portion of the <br />Northside School Site by the Chapel Hill Housing Authority. <br />Mr. Gattis stated that a letter had been received from Al Stevenson <br />of the Chapel Hill Housing Authority endorsing the site about to be pre- <br />sented. He poresented to the Bacrd maps of the proposed site at the <br />Northside School complex which is located between Caldwell and Cotton <br />Streets. The proposed site is on the eastern side of the Northside pro- <br />perty with parking to be provided to the east of the site. The structure <br />would be two floors with approximately 3,600 feet of space. He stated that <br />the upgrading of Caldwell Street will be the zesponsibility of the dousing <br />Authority. In order to allow this construction, the special use permit <br />will have to be modified by the Town of Chapel Hill, however, a public <br />hearing is not required. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson moved that the Board endorse the proposed <br />sketch plan for the Chapel Hill Housing Authority's Administration Building. <br />Commissioner Pinney stated that he would second the motion, but asked <br />that the motion be amended to state the entire triangle below the street <br />easement will be used for the Chapel Hill Housing Authority and that it <br />is the Housing Authority's responsibility to upgrade the street and to <br />satisfy requirements of a special use permit. Commissioner Gustaveson <br />agreed to the amendment. <br />The Chairman called far the vote on the motion, and all members of <br />the Board voted aye. The motion was declared passed. <br />The County Manager will present the sketch plan to Dr. Hanes of the <br />Chapel Hill School Board, as well as the Town of Chapel Hill. <br />Item 11: Continued discussion of the proposed County-wide Planning <br />Council. <br />Dr. Jane Gaede asked permission to address the Soard regarding this <br />item. Chairman Whitted recognized br. Gaede. <br />Dr. Gaede stated that she did not oppose the concept of this px'o- <br />posal, however, she did wish to speak against the make up of the proposed <br />council. She stated that the purpose of the agreement was to provide com- <br />prehensive planning for all of Orange County. The Subcommittee's report <br />