Orange County NC Website
._' .. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Pinney, it was moved and adopted to direct the Finance Officer to forward <br />the checks to the Department of Transportation in Graham, and to direct <br />the County Manager to prepare an Assessment Roll for the Morgan Creek Hills <br />roads. <br />The Chairman deferred from the agenda to hear from the Planning <br />Director, Irvin Dobson, concerning the progress of the Advisory Councils. <br />Mr. Dobson stated that the Bingham Advisory Council is moving along <br />well and that all Councils appear to have a good sense of their role as <br />Advisory Boards. Mr. Dobson stated that the Planning Board recommended to <br />the Board of Commissioners that the Extraterritorial request from the Town <br />of Chapel Hill be denied. The Planning Board further recommends that the <br />County work with the Town of Chapel Hill in working out some policy in <br />terms of planning to deal with the mobile home question, that mobile homes <br />be treated as single family residents. <br />Commissioner Willheit stated he felt the area defined as the urban <br />transision area, the section which devides the two watersheds, should be <br />looked at more closely. He added that the County Planning Board should con- <br />sider the possibility of adopting some of the Town of Chapel Hill's <br />policies regarding those areas which will be urbanized, whether in the <br />urban transision or the rural transision zoned areas. He stated that pro- <br />blems do exist and he proposed that the natural geographic boundaries be <br />considered as a way of defining the lines instead of the one mile boundary <br />line. Further, the County needs to develop tools far a green belt area, <br />not the Town of Chapel Hill. <br />The Planning Director and the County Attorney were requested to re- <br />search the question of whether or not the planning jurisdiction for the <br />Town of Chapel Hill extended for a one mile area beyond the City's limits. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated that he felt it would be useful to <br />inform the Planning Board of negotiations with Chapel Hill. He added that <br />the County Planning staff shauld sit down and negotiation a reasonable <br />boundary with suits Chapel Hi11's needs in regard to their particular <br />problems and at the same time attempt to protect certain areas in the <br />County which should be protected. The Planning Staff should look at Chapel <br />Hill's maps in establishing the boundary line. The Planning Director is <br />to talk with Chapel Hill about future planning for the extraterritorial <br />jurisdiction area, and the Town's plans for mobile homes. Further, they <br />are to look at the possibility of adopting some of the Town's policies <br />regarding the transision areas. Consideration should be given to the <br />County's Land Classification system as it corresponds to these areas. <br />Mr. Gustaveson added that he felt another public hearing was not necessary, <br />but that Chapel Hill should call a hearing should their Zoning Ordinance <br />change. <br />Discussion ensued regarding another public hearing. Commissioner <br />Walker stated that the Board had a public-hearing on one thing, but is <br />acting on something else. He added that he felt another public hearing <br />is in order. <br />Chairman Whitted stated that we shauld get the information and at <br />that time share it with the Planning Board. "We are not asking for <br />another recommendation at this point. We will then hear from Jeff and <br />determine at that point where we go, to a public hearing or whatever." <br />The County Attorney presented to the Board a brief review of his <br />research of the General Statutes regarding the extraterritorial juris- <br />diction. He stated that the City could exercise extraterritorial powers <br />within a defined area of not more than one mile beyond its limits without <br />coming to the County Commissioners for permission. The County can revoke <br />permission, if permission is granted, by giving a two year notice. No <br />City may hereafter extend extraterritorial powers into areas where the <br />County at that time is enforcing a Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations <br />and the State Building Code. <br />The Board of Commissioners asked the County Attorney to research this <br />matter further. <br />The Planning Director was instructed to report his findings back to <br />this Board and to the Planning Board. <br />